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Liberal backbencher calls for Trudeau to resign in email to caucus
  • I'd prefer the CPC weren't the trumper north party and had someone capable. This far right crap is horrible.

  • Can Biden be replaced as Democrat nominee? Who could replace him?
  • Bernie wants people to vote for Joe Biden.

  • Liberal backbencher calls for Trudeau to resign in email to caucus
  • I'm calling for Poilievre to resign.

  • AOC defeats moderate challenger in Democratic primary
  • He seems like the type who eventually, suddenly cross the aisle.

  • GNU-Linux
  • Is Alpine good? (btw)

  • Trump threatens to cut US aid to Ukraine quickly if reelected
  • He and his pal Putin already agree on this!

  • About the us election
  • Bloody nailed it.

  • Mozilla defies Kremlin, restores banned Firefox add-ons in Russia
  • It would only take 1% of the russian population to decide it's time for change.

  • Pictrs upgrade - completed
  • Thank you!

  • Why Canadians are angry with their biggest supermarket
  • The billionaire grocery mafia gougers are out of control in Canada.

  • Canada’s living standards alarmingly on track to be the lowest in 40 years: study
  • National Post is a US far right owned propaganda rag

  • Workers can form union at Amazon warehouse in Laval, Que., a first in Canada
  • I LOVE this particular slippery slope.

  • Canada to start taxing tech giants in 2024 despite U.S. complaints
  • AWESOME! Thank you, PMJT ❤️

  • Ukraine Grant_M

    Russia is a terrorist state

    0 SPEECH: Sen. Simons backs 2SLGBTQIA+ rights, denounces anti-trans hate

    Senator Paula Simons stands in the Chamber alongside colleagues to reaffirm the rights of 2SLGBTQIA+ Canadians, call out partisan scapegoating of trans Canadian, and dispel myths about the danger to children. She joins the Honourable Senator René Cormier and others in the Red Chamber urging the gove...

    SPEECH: Sen. Simons backs 2SLGBTQIA+ rights, denounces anti-trans hate

    Excellent speech by Canada's most excellent Senator


    This is worth the watch

    0 Second ex-Mountie named as co-conspirator in Chinese interference case - National |

    Kim Marsh, a B.C.-based former commander of a RCMP international organized crime unit, told an online outlet that he has been "lumped in" to foreign interference probe.

    Second ex-Mountie named as co-conspirator in Chinese interference case - National |

    That makes two treasonous ex-cops conspiring for the Chinese communist government. How many more will there be?

    2 Download Inkscape 1.3 | Inkscape

    Inkscape 1.3 is the latest major Inkscape release that brings you many fresh new features and new functionality.

    Download Inkscape 1.3 | Inkscape

    1.3 has released!

    0 Former top Mountie charged with foreign interference: Here’s what we know

    William Majcher, a former inspector with the RCMP, is facing two charges: committing preparatory acts on behalf of a foreign entity; and conspiracy.

    Former top Mountie charged with foreign interference: Here’s what we know

    Excerpt: “This file, this specific project is not done. We are not excluding that we may arrest and accuse more people in the coming weeks.”


    Release of 1.3 incoming!

    0 Opinion | America’s far right is operating in Canada. Why don’t we consider that foreign interference?

    By focusing solely on China or Russia and other state actors, Canada is missing the potentially far more troubling forces that proved so disruptive during last year’s convoy protest, Susan Delacourt writes.

    Opinion | America’s far right is operating in Canada. Why don’t we consider that foreign interference?

    Important read about hostile foreign influence/meddling in Canada's political system.

    From Operator Starsky in Ukraine

    Fluffy update. Look at those eyes, they look almost completely healthy now! (Picture taken moments before she ate a tiny piece of my finger, it was painful).

    Grant_M Grant_M

    I like OSS, Linux, art, signs, democracy, climate action. Slava Ukraini he/him

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