The twitter user is making so many assumptions. It's a great look into the delusional mind of alt right people.
For example, they assume all of the gun owners are conservatives and that they are all willing to fight and die for texas, and have the means or money to get there. In actuality, plenty of gun owners aren't extremists or even right wing, and many of those who are probably won't even show up if this shit happens.
Also, if this shit happens, once those who did show up end up in prison, on the run, or dead, you can bet your ass that the same account will be calling it a false flag operation or something [not sure if it was this account or one of the other major right wing twitter accounts that encouraged January 6th and then went on to claim it was a false flag afterwards]
To sum up the right wing lunatic mind: everybody who owns guns agrees with me and would die for those opinions, but also, if we lose, it was a false flag anyway, and most people actually agree with us but are too scared to show it, etc.
It's just a bunch of hypocrisy and assumptions that go against all facts.
Everyone seems to have this romantic idea of a US Civil War would be like. It's either "76 million gun owners becoming patriots" or the US military will crush the secessionists with some airstrikes and drone strikes, all in time for dinner.
The first stage would be political chaos. Some US governors will see this an attempt to seize even more power and side with the Secessionists (looking at you, DeSantis, you shit head). Some US governors will wait to see if a political solution can be sought before picking sides, and other governors will side the US government. Congress will have to figure out what do with US Representatives from Secessionist States. Some members of the military will start to defect or desert for various reasons.
If a political comprise can't be sought, we move to the second stage. Secessionist States start seizing US military bases and their assets and more members of the US military and Secessionist States start to desert/defect. Russia, China, Iran, and other countries sensing an opportunity, start to exploit the ongoing chaos. This includes massive disinformation campaigns, funding violent organizations, and isolating US allies.
A small amount of far-right militias sensing an opportunity with the US government dealing with the beginnings of a civil act, start to act. Small bombings and assassinations to further their political goals. Conservatives in Northern California start terror campaigns in Southern California. Progressive groups start being targeted and band together for safety. Foreign interference becomes more involved. Refugees start fleeing.
Third stage is full out war. Battles between Secessionist forces and the US Military start happening. Every state has either decided to join one side or goes their own way. Political crises pop up in US territories. Local insurgencies break out amongst groups fighting for power as central governments are pre-occupied with fighting a civil war. Foreign inference is at a maximum with direct financial, military, or logistical support to whatever group aligns with foreign powers.
We saw this with happen with the Iraq War with it's multitude of Shiite and Sunni militias fighting each other and the US. Same thing happened in Syria, with groups supporting the government against those fighting against the government and the Kurds. We saw what can happen with a dedicated low tech insurgency can do in Afghanistan and Vietnam against a far more advanced military.
“I support the former things” is such a stupid fucking slogan. It’s not catchy and sounds like someone tried to rephrase “The good old times” five times in a row. How about:
Entire nations know better than to take on the US military, who have a larger budget than the next ten nations combined and won’t even give you a target to shoot at, and these dick weasels think they can do it with commercially available weapons and no training?
LMAO. Go ahead, try it. I’ll be here with popcorn.
Bruh I'm a gun owner for sport, don't lump me in with the stupid crowd. I don't care if I couldn't own guns anymore, I'd just find a different hobby. I'm sure as shit not coming to the rescue of Texas
Equating gun ownership with sedition and secession is pretty stupid. Go for it, Texas. Your backup numbers are fewer than you think.
There was an article a few weeks ago about how Texas is the least-free state in the union. They have the fewest liberties, yet they can carry guns and that's all they care about.
If the American government came after Texas (as in they seceded) how would they have 72m gun owning Americans to join their cause? They wouldnt be part of the U.S. at that point.
It's amazing the people that deliberately avoid "CRT" topics and push defunding schools do not know the events ov Blair mountain, the bombing of MOVE in Philadelphia, and/or black wall street. Absolutely shocked!
22% of gun owners have only a single firearm. So if the 72 million number is correct, that means 15,840,000 single gun owners, and the remaining 418,160,000 guns are owned by 56,160,000, or 7.45 guns per owner.
American gun owners don't challenge the government. They take their anger out on women and children and themselves at the very end. The government will be fine.
Such a facetious argument to act like guns wouldn't in some way limit the military.
Because even if you bomb territory that doesn't mean you can occupy it, see Afghanistan and Vietnam. Infantry is needed for occupation when the enemy is mixed in with civilians.
And furthermore, don't you think in the event of a civil war a fair bit of the military would be a bit unwilling to bomb urban areas?
72M? The fuq? Where is that number coming from? They can't even get support from more than 15 (some of the least populated) states in the USA, and as a resident of one of those states they definitely aren't unanimous for fucking Treason.
If anything, I better not catch those fuckers in the street or it'll devolve into a real good guy with a gun dilemma.
It's always funny to see those secessionist traitors act like we're all going to be on their side. A lot of us gun toting Texans have no problem fighting for our nation against the traitors in our state.
What's funny is that the people who are most into this ideology are also the "Screw you, got mine"s that will snitch on coworkers and rat on neighbors to the HOA. But claim the government is always evil.
Later they drive like they own the road and bully other drivers on (sub)urban streets, while poofing coal-black exhaust from their double-wide trucks and oversized SUVs decorated with skeletal middle fingers and American flag punisher skull window stickers.
Let's add truck nuts into this picture too, it's statistically not-unlikely.
They have some fantasy that a bunch of self-absorbed hyper-individualist misanthropes just like them are going to somehow cohesively band together to fight...the federal government...over... petty stupid things like manufactured culture that they can achieve a miserable little hate-driven utopia...? Do I got that right?
Meanwhile, neighborly, responsible, quiet, trained, community-minded gun owners will gladly organize amongst themselves to aid inevitable victims of all this nonsense, and would fare a heckuva lot better as a group.
They're the ones that would make foreign invaders or overstepping republics think twice.
These arterial-grease-ridden LARPers are being used so hard and they think it's all their idea.
As their disgraced and treasonous Great Leader(TM) might tweet:
Well, look at afghanistan. B52 hardly made a difference against an army of farmers with AKs defending their homeland. Or the Viet Cong for that matter.
All of you upvoting this garbage aren't thinking about what it's saying or how it will negatively affect you.
If a government would be willing to annihilate 72 million of its own people, just for trying to leave no matter how stupid or cruel the reason is... what makes you think it won't do that to you when you try to organize a general strike, or fight it off when it turns fascist?
Do you people think critically about anything you see at all?
Seems like the folks I usually am amused by and agree with on a lot of things have chosen to ignore that the use of American bombs on Americans sounds fun to them.
Remember: just because someone disagrees with us does not give us the right to blow them up.