I want a rundown of all the crimes House commits and what % of episodes contain felonies.
Cause they're certainly missing the "Foreman, break into the dudes house and tell me everything in his crawlspace" scene, and the "Cameron, lie to him and drug him with this non-approved treatment and let's see if he starts dying quicker or slower."
Not to bring things down but... when you've been dealing with an undiagnosed illness which has gone on for months (i.e. me), you'll be happy to take someone with the bedside manner of Dr. House as long as you get some sort of answer.
At an opposite corner of the spectrum, you can rarely find doctors as smug as House but as unable to help you as all the others you have previously visited.
I really liked House. I don't know shit about medicine, but my whole job is troubleshooting, and the troubleshooting in the show has actually helped me.
Some big takeaways...
Most hard to solve issues are really just a combination of 2 or 3 simple issue acting together in a weird way.
Everybody lies - I don't necessarily agree with this in my line of work, but I frequently use "Not everybody tells the truth" as a better rule. I can't recall having a client lie to me, but every day they tell me things that are wrong or untrue because they don't understand what happened.
When in doubt, do a shit-ton of pain killers and berate people for not having the answer, even though you don't have it yourself (shift blame/expectation management)
All the Sherlock Holmes type derivatives are much like that, back in the day when I would watch a bunch of episodes it was mostly enjoyable because Hugh Laurie is just such a great actor.
Lupis was always the metaphorical man caught holding the gun lol
The same-y ness of the episodes really stands out when you do this. On a binge, I found myself watching it more for the character arcs than the diagnostic drama... which is not the show's strong point. :(
Cuddy: You can't set your patient on fire, House!
House: I only need to burn him for a few minutes. It'll make your ass look thinner.
Cuddy: Fine. Just do it while the lawyer is out to lunch.