Because I played Dragon Quest and Zelda, I developed an unfortunate predilection for walking into strangers houses and smashing pots and vases and stuff. Took years of therapy to break that habit. :(
OK, while that was pretty funny, it's also a bit weird to see articles like this from the onion that kind of minimize legitimate problems. Loot boxes in games, for example, are basically gambling for children who don't know any better. Monetization of games is a big deal that needs to be taken more seriously.
While I don't think that's what the onion was going for, here -- they're making fun of people who senselessly decry video games -- the truth is that the gaming industry does have some severe and legitimate problems.
I don't think it's trying to touch on monetisation at all, let alone minimise it. It's just mocking the gameplay loop in Mario and Sonic that involve you run around picking up coins (or rings in Sonic's case) for no apparent reason.
Shit... Coin pickup addiction has claimed yet another innocent young soul. All the achievements this poor young fella had ahead of him, taken away by the foul mistress that is "kabling".
Whoa, don't think achievements are all good! Video games left me with a chronic addition to achievement hunting that I only escaped from last year. To this day, I still have to fight the urge to take random objects and place them in obtuse places for the off chance that I'll get an achievement for sticking a traffic cone on a road sign or something.