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Sound Transit nears approval on flat $3 fare Sound Transit nears approval on flat $3 fare

The new flat fares would begin sometime in fall 2024, when the Northgate-Lynnwood light rail extension opens.

Sound Transit nears approval on flat $3 fare
  • Excellent — we'll have uniformed pricing on mismanaged system that's 90 trains short of what's needed to meet promised running times.

    • I mean... you're not wrong. Maybe once the flat pricing goes into place it will allow them to annually increase it as need be for service improvement?

  • i've always felt uncomfortable labeling something as "public" while also charging for use. most of the arguments for fares seem to apply equally well to other public services, yet we don't charge $ for people to use or borrow books from our public libraries, and nobody's up in arms about that. IMO the 45% of riders who aren't paying fares are the ones who've got it right.

    • Old, but unfortunately we just don't pay enough into it at the moment. If we raised more tax money, I'd prefer it to be free too. While also being expanded and run with more trains on weekends.