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Arizona voting officials charged for refusing to certify 2022 election results Arizona voting officials charged for refusing to certify 2022 election results

Republican county supervisors Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd initially refused to certify their county’s election results

Arizona voting officials charged for refusing to certify 2022 election results

Two elected officials in a rural Arizona county who stalled certifying election results have been charged by Arizona’s attorney general with conspiracy and interfering with an election officer.

Tom Crosby and Peggy Judd, Republican county supervisors in Cochise county, face two felony counts for their initial refusal to certify the county’s election results in 2022. A grand jury convened earlier this month to discuss the potential charges, which were filed on Wednesday.

The indictment alleges Crosby and Judd conspired to delay Cochise county’s vote canvass and knowingly interfered with the secretary of state’s ability to complete a statewide vote canvass on time.