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Raccoon for Lemmy, app for browsing Lemmyverse Raccoon for Lemmy - Lemmy.World

The purpose of this community is to discuss and collect feedback about the development of the Raccoon For Lemmy mobile app. Feel free to use this space to share your - bug reports - feature requests - enhancement ideas - general feedback about the app and how the project is carried on. Suggestions a...

Raccoon for Lemmy - Lemmy.World

Raccoon is available for testing on Play Store.

If you'd like to test it click here.

Try it out & feel free to report any bugs.

Testing aims to eliminate bugs and enhance user experience before app hit the market.

Should you have any questions post it below, on Github or send an email.

App includes mod tools. Happy testing!

  • Dev here. In case you are interested and willing to participate, please write an email or drop me a direct message. Since Google allows me only to access closed tests, I need to add the email address you use in Google Play to the tester group.

    • nvm there are builds on gh

    • If you want, you can drop me a private message with the email address you are using on Google Play.

      In order to be able to publish to production I need at least 20 users for at least 14 days so a user more in the official tester channel would be highly appreciated 😅

      But you can use GH builds as well.