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Iquazu Falls, Brazil/Argentina border (2012)

  • a little more water when I was there in 2011.

    • Ha! That part was there too, these two falls were off to the side but I think they're still part of iguazu falls. Another shot

      • Ha! Nice. That is an incredible photo

        I travelled Argentina for a month back in 2011. I had my DSLR with me with new lenses and took something like 6000 photos of iguazu, salta, Patagonia etc... Stored them all on a external hard drive when I got home. One day, a friend of mine accidentally knocked the drive over, and it failed. Lost all the photos. I only have an album of a few hundred I uploaded to FB at the time, so they're all really low res ones that I redownloaded from FB.

        Moral = Make backups.. Multiple backups.