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Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America' (deleted in The Guardian because of TikTok) Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America'

Online document: the full text of Osama bin Laden's "letter to the American people", which first appeared on the internet in Arabic and which has since been circulated by Islamists in Britain.

Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America'

I just found out that Osama Bin Laden's "Letter to America" has been doing its rounds on TikTok but I haven't seen anything about it been posted here on Lemmy about it. Perhaps people already know about it, I'm not sure. This is a link to the wayback machine. The original in the guardian has just been deleted after being online for 20 years.


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  • As far as I'm concerned that letter should already be taught to students when they learn about 911, which didn't happen due to some amorphous hatred of American 'freedom,' it happened due to Blow Back from decades of American intervention in the Middle East. The fact that they are worried about Gen Z reading it without context on tiktok is truly indicative of how wholy lacking American Education is in teaching history.

    • Also to show that the freedoms they were against are the same freedoms the religious radicals on US soil that have overtaken the GOP are against.

    • Well it was partly that. He also goes on to talk about how the US should be Islamic too, which isn't a good look.

      But yea, it really isn't hating the US for being the US.

      The sad part is he makes a lot of good observations and poignant criticisms, but just has to throw religion in there and some anti-Semitism.

      • He just says "Also check out our final part of the Abrahamic trilogy it's pretty rad, maybe it can help Americans to stop being evil".

        Not sure why people are interpreting this as if he wants to force all Americans to convert.

        Bin Laden was a Saudi that went to Afghanistan because the Islamic community called for help to defend against the Russians. If not for his religion he'd just be chilling in Saudi with oil money instead of risking his life defending oppressed minorities against genocide.

        • He kinda keeps bringing up Islam and how the Americans and Jews are against them. So yea kinda think Islam played a big part in his thought process. Or at least his version of Islam.

          • Him saying the Americans and Jews are against them might be related to, you know, the fact that the Americans and the Zionists were (and are) actively stealing their land and resources.

            The only thing that is incorrect is him using Jews instead of Zionists, however since Zionists actively refer to themselves as Jews this is an understandable mistake (but not one we should continue to make) .

            • Ok I think you may be thinking that I'm blaming Islam on this. I'm not. I'm an ex-muslim myself, so I know the religion and nothing in the Quran tells Muslims to hate Jews or whatever, the opposite actually. He's using religion as an excuse despite it saying otherwise, which makes others who don't know about religion blame the religion or culture for his actions.

              Also I know the issue is Zionists and Zionists have done a great job conflating Zionism and Judaism. But the letter says both Jews and Zionists in different places, because bin laden was conflating them himself. Not right, but still that does show some antisemitism there that he continuously conflates the two, leading him to blame Jews sometimes rather than clearly being against Zionism.

    • The Fox News boomers have likely never even seen this letter. Gen Z is far more politically educated than any generation of Americans before them. They're wiser than the avarage boomer already.

    • Did you not read the entire second half of the letter?

      The thing briefly mentions US foreign policy in the opening, but then goes on to be all about how Islam is the only way and everyone needs to convert to it or the bombings and terror will continue.

      And in that section, as examples of the US's moral failings in the eyes of Islam he cites things like homosexuality as what needs to stop.

      So yes, he did hate the US for its freedoms, and at the core of the issue was not simply blowback but religious zealotry.

      The US has meddled worldwide. You don't see South Americans whose democratic governments were overthrown by tyrants who tortured their family members with US support suddenly bombing civilians in the US.

      The key difference between the many places the US has pulled some major BS and Al Queda is that only the latter was fueled by religious orthodoxy committed to worldwide forced conversion which then used US foreign policy as rationalization for killing civilians to demand that conversion.

      As terrible as terrorist organizations are to the West, they perform exponentially more terror in their own regions in the service of religious conservatism at the end of a sword (literally).

      9/11 was connected to blow back for US policy, but it happened because of people who think a religion by a 54 year old who married a six year old should be followed by the entire world and anyone who refuses must die terribly as a caution to the next person given a choice between conversion or terror.

    • I mean, can we also teach how the religious references infer that any conflict leads to war as well or how opinion of what is owed them or what rights their religion "grants" them to punish non-believers results in war? Essentially creating a system of "what we say goes otherwise we will go to war with you."