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Hind Rajab: Were Israeli troops around where the six-year-old was killed?
  • The IDF would like you to stop asking questions about this.

  • Houthis knock out underwater cables linking Europe to Asia - report
  • Another very based action killing zero people while causing massive inconveniences.

  • We'll look into it after the election
  • Trump was the candidate for the last four years.

    You might have noticed that Biden recently started being complicit in Genocide. Mhhh when was that again. Four months ago🤔

    Crazy, all these Russian anti genocide "bots" popping up when a genocide is happening.

  • We'll look into it after the election
  • The US did not voluntarily mention that they were flying drones above Gaza either until someone noticed it.

    Now the fact they sent targeting officers does not indicate they are doing search and rescue.

    Let's hope you manage to put two and two together. Maybe they're going to find the WMD's in Iraq who knows. America would never lie about doing war crimes right?

  • Google Gemini refuses to answer questions about deaths in Gaza but has no problem answering the same question for Ukraine.
  • Anther massive piece of evidence is the fact that Wikipedia is lying about about the 6 day war

    Six Day War Wikipedia:

    On 5 June 1967, as the UNEF was in the process of leaving the zone, Israel launched a series of preemptive airstrikes against Egyptian airfields and other facilities,

    The word pre-emptive is snuck in there as factual while in reality being either a complete lie, or highly controversial as all major US intelligence sources confirmed that Egypt had no interest in war before israel attacked.

    Neither U.S. nor Israeli intelligence assessed that there was any kind of serious threat of an Egyptian attack. On the contrary, both considered the possibility that Nasser might strike first as being extremely slim.

    The current Israeli Ambassador to the U.S., Michael B. Oren, acknowledged in his book “Six Days of War“, widely regarded as the definitive account of the war, that “By all reports Israel received from the Americans, and according to its own intelligence, Nasser had no interest in bloodshed”.

    This was not a defensive war, it was an attack by israel. Yet Wikipedia frames it as brave Zionists "defending themselves" into Egypt.

  • We'll look into it after the election
  • Ya almost made it to

    But several weeks later, on November 21, the U.S. Air Force issued deployment guidelines for officers, including intelligence engagement officers, headed to Israel. Experts say that a team of targeting officers like this would be used to provide satellite intelligence to the Israelis for the purpose of offensive targeting.

    “They’re probably targeting people, targeting officers,” Lawrence Cline, who served as an intelligence engagement officer in Iraq before retirement, told The Intercept. Targeting intelligence refers to the identification and characterization of enemy activities including missile and artillery launches, location of leadership and command and control centers, and key facilities. “What I can see is we’ve got a lot of global assets in terms of satellites and the like and the Israelis have a lot in terms of more localized radar coverage.

    The Biden administration has gone to great lengths to conceal the nature of its support for the Israeli military. The Pentagon quietly tapped a so-called Tiger Team to facilitate weapons assistance to Israel, as The Intercept has previously reported. The administration has also declined to reveal which weapons systems it’s providing Israel and at which quantities, insisting that the secrecy is necessary for security reasons.

  • ‘Good One, Matt!’: State Dept Spokesman Bursts Into Laughter After Reporter Cracks Joke About U.S. Invading ‘Sovereign’ Countries

    Miller burst into laughter after a reporter interrupted his claim that the US does not "dictate to any country what it must do" with, "Unless you invade them"

    ‘Good One, Matt!’: State Dept Spokesman Bursts Into Laughter After Reporter Cracks Joke About U.S. Invading ‘Sovereign’ Countries

    State Department spokesman Matthew Miller burst into laughter after a reporter interrupted his claim that the U.S. government does not “dictate to any country what it must do” with the comment, “Unless you invade them.”

    We'll look into it after the election
  • The problem with gaslighting and spamming a meme is that everyone has clearly seen Biden be complicit in Genocide for over 4 months.

    I know this is really inconvenient...

  • NPR is not sure why Aaron Bushnell set himself fire despite it being clearly mentioned in the video. Omit Gaza but mention the hostages taken by Hamas
  • What? They are still twisting words to dance around the fact it is Genocide. And they are framing the personal opinion of Aaron as if he does not think it is Genocide.

    And this is after supposedly carefully examining his "social media post" which uses the word Genocide not war

    There only one cherry picking is you by saying "Oh look near the bottom of the article where the majority of readers already close the page do they mention Genocide"

  • U.S. Air Force member who set himself on fire outside Israeli Embassy in D.C. has died
  • Protesting Russian war crimes means you are a hero and should be remembered forever.

    Protesting Western war crimes means you are a mentally ill tankie and need to get off Twitter.

  • NPR is not sure why Aaron Bushnell set himself fire despite it being clearly mentioned in the video. Omit Gaza but mention the hostages taken by Hamas
  • Yes.

    NPR said that according to Aaron's social media post this is a "war" not a "Genocide" which is a lie.

  • NPR is not sure why Aaron Bushnell set himself fire despite it being clearly mentioned in the video. Omit Gaza but mention the hostages taken by Hamas
  • Then they "confirmed it was Aaron" and still made no mention of his motives. And they added a nice line about Hamas hostages. Really needed that. Then they got called out and actually included the quote.

    Even current version of the article is propaganda. They claim they quote his social media but replace the word "Genocide" with 'War".

  • Israel Not Complying with World Court Order in Genocide Case
  • Biden offers himself as a sacrifice.

  • Biden says he hopes for Israel-Hamas cease-fire by next Monday
  • This has nothing to do with religion. It's just a nice scapegoat to blame America wanting a military base in the region on.

  • NPR is not sure why Aaron Bushnell set himself fire despite it being clearly mentioned in the video. Omit Gaza but mention the hostages taken by Hamas
  • One day later and the current version of the article does not use the word "Genocide" when quoting Aaron's motive, replacing it with "war".

    NPR is very intentionally lying about the words used by Aaron Bushnell.

    Only far down the article where they know most people will not read, do they actually quote what Aaron really said.

  • NPR is not sure why Aaron Bushnell set himself fire despite it being clearly mentioned in the video. Omit Gaza but mention the hostages taken by Hamas
  • You are cherry picking stories. Even the newest NPR version of this article is propaganda as it uses the word "war" instead of Genocide at the very top of the article, literally twisting Aarons words and lying.

  • Microblog Memes Linkerbaan
    To protect and seize
    Political Memes Linkerbaan
    We'll look into it after the election
    74 Israel Not Complying with World Court Order in Genocide Case

    The Israeli government has failed to comply with at least one measure in the legally binding order from the International Court of Justice, in South Africa’s genocide case.

    Israel Not Complying with World Court Order in Genocide Case

    The Israeli government has failed to comply with at least one measure in the legally binding order from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in South Africa’s genocide case, Human Rights Watch said today. Citing warnings about “catastrophic conditions” in Gaza, the court ordered Israel on January 26, 2024, to “take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian aid,” and to report back on its compliance to the specific measures “within one month.”

    One month later, however, Israel continues to obstruct the provision of basic services and the entry and distribution within Gaza of fuel and lifesaving aid, acts of collective punishment that amount to war crimes and include the use of starvation of civilians as a weapon of war. Fewer trucks have entered Gaza and fewer aid missions have been permitted to reach northern Gaza in the several weeks since the ruling than in the weeks preceding it, according to United Nations Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

    “The Israeli government is starving Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinians, putting them in even more peril than before the World Court’s binding order,” said Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch. “The Israeli government has simply ignored the court’s ruling, and in some ways even intensified its repression, including further blocking lifesaving aid.”

    Human Rights Watch found in December 2023 that Israeli authorities are using starvation as a weapon of war. Pursuant a policy set out by Israeli officials and carried out by Israeli forces, the Israeli authorities are deliberately blocking the delivery of water, food, and fuel, willfully impeding humanitarian assistance, apparently razing agricultural areas, and depriving the civilian population of objects indispensable to its survival.

    1 Israel Not Complying with World Court Order in Genocide Case

    The Israeli government has failed to comply with at least one measure in the legally binding order from the International Court of Justice, in South Africa’s genocide case.

    Israel Not Complying with World Court Order in Genocide Case

    The Israeli government has failed to comply with at least one measure in the legally binding order from the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in South Africa’s genocide case, Human Rights Watch said today. Citing warnings about “catastrophic conditions” in Gaza, the court ordered Israel on January 26, 2024, to “take immediate and effective measures to enable the provision of urgently needed basic services and humanitarian aid,” and to report back on its compliance to the specific measures “within one month.”

    One month later, however, Israel continues to obstruct the provision of basic services and the entry and distribution within Gaza of fuel and lifesaving aid, acts of collective punishment that amount to war crimes and include the use of starvation of civilians as a weapon of war. Fewer trucks have entered Gaza and fewer aid missions have been permitted to reach northern Gaza in the several weeks since the ruling than in the weeks preceding it, according to United Nations Office of the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

    “The Israeli government is starving Gaza’s 2.3 million Palestinians, putting them in even more peril than before the World Court’s binding order,” said Omar Shakir, Israel and Palestine director at Human Rights Watch. “The Israeli government has simply ignored the court’s ruling, and in some ways even intensified its repression, including further blocking lifesaving aid.”

    Human Rights Watch found in December 2023 that Israeli authorities are using starvation as a weapon of war. Pursuant a policy set out by Israeli officials and carried out by Israeli forces, the Israeli authorities are deliberately blocking the delivery of water, food, and fuel, willfully impeding humanitarian assistance, apparently razing agricultural areas, and depriving the civilian population of objects indispensable to its survival.

    134 Extraordinary charges of bias emerge against NYTimes reporter Anat Schwartz

    New doubts are emerging about the New York Times’s coverage of sexual violence in the October 7 attack. The paper must explain why it broke its own rules by hiring a clearly biased writer who endorsed racist and violent rhetoric toward Palestinians.

    Extraordinary charges of bias emerge against NYTimes reporter Anat Schwartz

    New doubts are emerging about the New York Times’s coverage of sexual violence during the October 7 Hamas-led attack — and the paper owes its readers an open and transparent explanation.

    The latest questions are centered around Anat Schwartz, an Israeli who co-authored several of the paper’s most widely circulated reports, including the now well-known and scrutinized December 28 article headlined: “‘Screams Without Words’’ How Hamas Weaponized Sexual Violence on Oct. 7.”

    Independent researchers scrutinized the online record, and raised serious questions about Schwartz. First, she has apparently never been a reporter but is actually a filmmaker, who the Times suddenly hired in October. You would expect the paper to look for someone with actual journalistic experience, especially for a story as sensitive as this one, written during the fog of war. Surely the paper had enough of its own correspondents on staff who could have been assigned to it

    Next, the researchers found that Schwartz had not hidden her strong feelings online. There are screenshots of her “liking” certain posts that repeated the “40 beheaded baby” hoax, and that endorsed another hysterical post that urged the Israeli army to “turn Gaza into a slaughterhouse,” and called Palestinians “human animals.”.

    Just this morning, more evidence emerged online; Schwartz apparently also served in Israeli Military Intelligence

    Finally, one of her co-authors on two of the reports was Adam Sella, who is her nephew.

    The New York Times imposes strict rules on its reporters to maintain the appearance of objectivity. Reporters are not supposed to attend demonstrations of any kind, wear campaign buttons, or post opinions on social media. By hiring Anat Schwartz, the paper clearly violated its own guidelines, and it should publicly explain and apologize.

    12 Two-month-old Palestinian boy dies of hunger amid Israel’s war on Gaza

    Mahmoud Fattouh dies from starvation as UN warns of an ‘explosion’ in child deaths due to a lack of food and water.

    Two-month-old Palestinian boy dies of hunger amid Israel’s war on Gaza

    A two-month-old Palestinian boy has died from starvation in northern Gaza, according to media reports, days after the United Nations warned of an “explosion” in child deaths due to Israel’s war on the besieged enclave.

    The Shehab news agency said Mahmoud Fattouh died at al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza City on Friday.Footage, verified by Al Jazeera, shows the emaciated infant gasping for breath in a hospital bed. One of the paramedics who rushed the boy to the hospital says Mahmoud died from acute malnutrition.

    “We rushed him to hospital and he was found to be suffering acute malnutrition. Medical staff rushed him into the ICU. The baby has not been fed any milk for days, as baby milk is totally absent in Gaza.”

    Israel, which cut off all supplies of food, water and fuel into Gaza at the start of the war, opened one entry point for humanitarian aid in December. But aid agencies say stringent checks by Israeli forces and protests by far-right demonstrators at the Karem Abu Salem crossing, known by Israelis as Kerem Shalom, have hampered the entry of food trucks.

    “The Gaza Strip is poised to witness an explosion in preventable child deaths, which would compound the already unbearable level of child deaths in Gaza,” said Ted Chaiban, UNICEF’s deputy executive director for humanitarian action, in a statement last week.

    8 Germany: Berlin schools asked to distribute leaflet describing the 1948 Nakba as a 'myth'

    The brochure aimed at high school students in Berlin's Neukölln borough also claims that criticism of illegal Israeli settlements is antisemitic

    Germany: Berlin schools asked to distribute leaflet describing the 1948 Nakba as a 'myth'

    Germany's leading Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the opposition Christian Democratic Party (CDU) have ordered high schools in Berlin's borough of Neukolln to distribute brochures titled The Myth of Israel #1948.

    The brochure states there are five "myths" around the creation of the state of Israel, which are subsequently refuted in short essays by various authors.

    In the first section, debunking myth #1, that Jews and Arabs lived together in peace before Israel was founded, Israel's pre-state militia, the Haganah, responsible for the destruction of 531 Palestinian villages and the expulsion of 700,000 Palestinians between December 1947 and the summer of 1948, is promoted as a merely "defensive" Jewish resistance movement.

    "Myth #5: Israel is to blame for the Nakba", includes a text by researcher Shany Mor titled "the UN is distorting the meaning of the Nakba: its view of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is extremely one-sided".

    In the text, Mor states that "displacement during war - then and now - was nothing unusual".

    He also labels the UN's attention to the Palestinian cause "obsessive" and the Arab defeat of 1948 a myth.

    55 ‘It was an execution’: family mourns boy shot dead by Israeli forces

    Nihal Abu Ayash, 16, was reportedly the 100th Palestinian child to be killed in the West Bank since Hamas’s 7 October attack

    ‘It was an execution’: family mourns boy shot dead by Israeli forces

    Nihal Abu Ayash, 16, was reportedly the 100th Palestinian child to be killed in the West Bank since Hamas’s 7 October attack

    Nihal Abu Ayash was wearing his football kit and carrying his school bag when he was shot in the head and killed after Israeli forces opened fire in the West Bank town of Beit Ummar.

    “It was an execution,” said Ziad Abu Ayash, Nihal’s father. “There was no need to kill him. He didn’t have a gun, he didn’t have a tank. There is no excuse. It is a crime.”


    Ofek Atun escaped the outdoor Nova rave with his girlfriend. They survived the assault on the bomb shelter in which they took refuge, before fleeing to nearby Kibbutz Alumim. The kibbutz's volunteer security squad mistook them for Hamas terrorists – and opened fire

    Bibi and Joe - Everything is Hamas

    This video is two years old

    Houthis to step up Red Sea strikes, use 'submarine weapons', leader says

    "Operations in the Red and Arabian Seas, Bab al-Mandab Strait, and the Gulf of Aden are continuing, escalating, and effective," Abdul Malik al-Houthi added in a televised speech. He gave no details of the submarine weapons.

    Ships owned by individuals or entities in Israel, the U.S. and U.K. or sailing under their flags are banned from the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea, Thursday's notices said.

    "The Humanitarian Operations Center was established in Sanaa to coordinate the safe and peaceful passage of ships and vessels that have no connection to Israel," a senior Houthi official told Reuters on Thursday.

    No ships have been sunk nor crew killed during the Houthi campaign. However there are concerns about the fate of the UK-registered Rubymar cargo vessel, which was struck on Feb. 18 and its crew evacuated.

    Political Memes Linkerbaan
    Right to self-termination
    6 Exclusive: Israeli forces fired on food convoy in Gaza, UN documents and satellite analysis reveals | CNN

    Israeli forces fired on a United Nations convoy carrying vital food supplies in central Gaza on February 5, before ultimately blocking the trucks from progressing to the northern part of the territory, where Palestinians are on the verge of famine, according to documents shared exclusively by t...

    Exclusive: Israeli forces fired on food convoy in Gaza, UN documents and satellite analysis reveals | CNN

    Israeli forces fired on a United Nations convoy carrying vital food supplies in central Gaza on February 5, before ultimately blocking the trucks from progressing to the northern part of the territory, where Palestinians are on the verge of famine, according to documents shared exclusively by the UN and CNN’s own analysis.

    CNN has seen correspondence between the UN and the Israeli military that show the convoy’s route was agreed upon by both parties prior to the strike. According to an internal incident report compiled by UNRWA, the main UN relief agency in Gaza, which was also seen by CNN, the truck was one of 10 in a convoy sitting stationary at an IDF holding point when it was fired upon.

    No one in the convoy was hurt, but much of its contents – mainly wheat flour desperately needed to bake bread – were destroyed. Tracing the strike offers a window into the major challenges that humanitarian efforts face in getting aid to Gaza’s more than 2 million people – nearly 85% of whom are internally displaced – amid Israel’s nearly five-month bombardment of the strip.

    Political Memes Linkerbaan
    You can't attack civilian transport, that's terrorism!
    12 UN Experts Demand Investigation Into IDF Abuse of Women and Girls in Gaza

    "Those responsible for these apparent crimes must be held accountable and victims and their families are entitled to full redress and justice."

    UN Experts Demand Investigation Into IDF Abuse of Women and Girls in Gaza

    A group of United Nations experts on Monday demanded an immediate and thorough investigation into reports that Israeli forces have arbitrarily detained, sexually abused, and executed Palestinian women and girls in the Gaza Strip.

    "Some of them were reportedly holding white pieces of cloth when they were killed by the Israeli army or affiliated forces," the U.N. experts continued. "We are particularly distressed by reports that Palestinian women and girls in detention have also been subjected to multiple forms of sexual assault, such as being stripped naked and searched by male Israeli army officers. At least two female Palestinian detainees were reportedly raped while others were reportedly threatened with rape and sexual violence."

    Political Memes Linkerbaan
    Linkerbaan Linkerbaan

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