It does matter. It's safer for everyone if cyclists travel side by side in one lane because then the car driver has to spend less time in the oncoming lane to complete the overtake. A long string of bikes takes more time to safely pass.
It's especially safer for the cyclists who risk getting side swiped and crushed by drivers trying to avoid going into the adjacent lane, and since cyclists have no steel box surrounding them, it's a one sided battle that the car initiated in the first place. Riding side by side forces the car to do a normal, legal overtake by moving into the next lane.
Most of the streets around here were built when the idea that every house could have a car would be viewed as a fantasy.
So you've got cars parked up and down each side of the road, and if two cars want to pass each other, then you have to hope that there's space for one of you to pull over.
If you want to overtake even one bike, forget it. It's probably got some balaclava wearing kid on it, weaving none-handed up the middle of the road.
Those kinds of streets are actually the safest for everyone because they enforce lower speeds and more attentive driving than any posted speed limit ever can. People don't give two shits about speed laws and will drive as fast as they feel they can, so when the road is not conducive to driving fast, surprise surprise people don't drive fast and collisions are rarely deadly.
Passing two bikes requires moving over more. If you pass two bikes with the same manoeuvre you use for passing one with enough space, you'll be far too close to the outer bike.
If my vehicle had the ability to change its width when I needed to, I'd agree with you, but my car does not have that option, the two bikes do, it wouldn't take much effort for one to slide behind the other to let the vehicle behind pass, it's a give and take with society, I'll actively make sure to keep you safe from my vehicle, while bikes should actively try to allow larger or faster vehicles to pass safely instead of putting themselves at risk over something that takes no effort to do.
I’ll actively make sure to keep you safe from my vehicle
As someone who cycles on the road, I don't trust you. Not in the slightest. Far too many close calls with cars trying to "sneak" by me because "oh I'm sure there's plenty of room to the right" even in a bike-oriented city. I ride alone the vast majority of the time but having someone ride beside would actually make me feel safer because it means you actually have to perform a legal overtake which involves moving into the passing lane. Also, drivers are distracted all the time and I absolutely do not trust that every driver will actually notice a bike that's off to their side when drivers are prone to straight up miss traffic lights that are right in front of their eyeline.
Ohh and I don't trust the bikes I see riding around, the amount of people on bikes who have crossed In front of me while I'm driving the speed limit while never once looking behind them, causing me to have to slam my brakes on because I don't want to hit someone on a bike.
Both sides of this argument need to show respect to each other on the road, it's not a bikes are the problem or cars are the problem, people are the problem.
Like I said I actively try to ensure you guys are safe on the road when I pass you or see you coming up in front.
If those cyclists were blocking an ambulance or transit which even take up more room, those cyclists are the biggest assholes on the planet. Size really isn’t the best argument here.
cars pull over as that’s part of the drivers training. You get fined also and that’s part of the course. The cyclists take no training so if the picture were accurate, that car would have pulled over two blocks ago and the cyclists would still be blocking the fire truck. Oh and the warehouse will be burnt down killing all the workers on less than minimum wage all just cuz two cyclists felt entitled to be spiteful assholes.
Bro do you think as soon as someone gets on a bicycle they forget what sirens mean? Do you honestly think that everyone on a bike with an ambulance behind them would just be dumbfounded and confused as to what it wants? And all of a sudden they're entitled spiteful assholes as well?
Do you realize it's people on those bicycles, not goblins?
Can you even imagine someone on a bike going "Nope! This is my lane! I have rights! Thou shall not pass!" while a fucking fire truck goes BRAAAAAAAAAH at +100 dB behind them? 😂
What ever it is you're taking, you need to either take more or less of it. And you should see a mental health expert rather soon. Also, please do the world a favour and stay away from vehicles of any kind.
I don't think it's a warehouse, it's an underprivileged children's hospital cancer ward. Also the doctors in the ward are the only doctors in the region, meaning those two bike riders committed genocide
Your mental gymnastics is incredible! I have seen hundreds of YouTube videos with cars blocking Ambulances but I am yet to see a cyclist blocking one. My real life experience is also consistent with this.
So, you realize that the expected action from everyone on the road almost everywhere, regardless of the type of vehicle you're using, is to pull to the side and stop as soon as you hear sirens specifically to prevent people from blocking emergency vehicles right? And since bikes are smaller and more nimble, they can do that much more effectively than a car.
Regardless, real world data shows that there are far more cases of cars blocking emergency vehicles than bikes, so you're demonizing the wrong mode of transport on behalf of the ambulances here.