being tired all the time is such a it
anaemia? vitamin d deficiency? chronic fatigue
syndrome? depression? insomnia?? is it just the
crushing weight of being alive in a capitalist
society??? someone cure me
I've had a revelation these last couple of months, my son got diagnosed with ADHD and I saw many of the traits in him that I also exhibit, so I thought, you know what, why live life harder than it needs to be if I have a real condition.
Got off to get myself diagnosed and the biggest surprise is that my depression seems to have lifted. I had no idea how much of a cloud I was living in before but I feel like living now instead of just going through the motions of "being alive until I die"
Definitely not giving advice as to any specific treatment here but perhaps it's worth exploring a bunch of options as it might be a chemical imbalance of some sort.
Now that that's been fixed I can do what the other "helpful" people are suggesting about eating right and exercising, before that it was just bullshit advice.
Try eatting more red meat to deal with low haem iron and Vitamin B12 deficiency.
Try exercising and having a regular sleep schedule.
If that doesn't work and you don't want to go to the doctor, get a Vitamin B12 injection (for pernisious anemia)
If that doesn't work, then go to the doctor because chronic exhaustion is very treatable.
(If you want to self medicate, have you tried adderal or methylphenidate?)