Other clips from the rally went viral as well, including Trump saying, “I’m for us. You know how you spell us, right? U.S. I just picked that up. Has anyone ever thought of that before?”
I never knew that such a large portion of our population was so far below what I would have thought was the average intelligence until I heard they thought this man was smart. This guy is an idiot and that scares me to think what that means about his cult members’ intelligence levels.
No one dumb enough to think this guy is smart should be trusted with any adult responsibilities; not gun ownership, not voting and definitely not reproducing.
Asking your supporters to engage in voter intimidation for the next election when you've been charged, and will be tried shortly, for leading an insurrection after the last election seems like a great game plan. /s
I can't imagine being this guys lawyer. You must either be eating a handful of Tums every night, or your just as loony as him and actually don't see how everything he says and does it toxic to himself and everyone in his orbit.
Other clips from the rally went viral as well, including Trump saying, “I’m for us. You know how you spell us, right? U.S. I just picked that up. Has anyone ever thought of that before?”
No, Donnie. No one has ever thought of this. You're the first, you beautiful genius. /s
This actually concerns me a bit. Not that I believe Trump can actually coordinate anything, mind you.
But at the same time, Trump really didn't lose the election by several million votes. He lost the election by a few thousand key votes in key swing states. Many of those states have passed dranconian laws, took over election boards, and put in rules that would allow them to just throw the election Trump's way regardless of the actual vote count. It's very possible that he's simply banking on those to carry him through the day regardless of the actual vote totals. If Trump believes (or is led to believe) the fix is in in those key areas, telling ruby-red voters in ruby-red states to stay home is no big deal.
Let's game this out the way some of the comments are saying.
Scenario 1: Proud Boys and other right wing militant groups stand around polling places with open carry weapons to intimidate Democrat-leaning districts. Maybe it doesn't chase everyone away, but we know a lot of election officials are complaining about threats and have quit. So it's going to have some effect. Enough to swing the vote? I don't think that matters. It's still election interference.
Scenario 2: right wing militants show up, and so do various antifa groups to counter them. Maybe antifa show up armed, maybe not. Either way, it's an escalation. Escalating tensions with guns present significantly increases the chances that someone uses their gun, regardless of who shoots first. The first shots in a civil war? Then the right wing militants win, because they've been agitating for this for years. Who wins is immaterial to the millions of people who will suffer as a result.
Scenario 3: polling places are reinforced with police and National Guards as necessary to prevent any election interference. They can be present to "observe" but they're not allowed to intimidate anyone. This is the only scenario I can see where democracy is defended and preserved.
Agree or disagree? What am I missing? Where am I wrong?
Seems like he is calling for his supporters to swarm polling stations and scare away anyone who looks like a Democrat. He is counting on violence or the threat of it to give him a win.
I think he thinks he'll lose, and he thinks a big loss is actually less believable to his supporters than a close loss, so he's trying to create a big loss, which will make more of his supporters Jan 6 2.0.
“So, we have to be careful. You got to get out there and watch those voters,” Trump said, adding, “You don’t have to vote, don’t worry about voting. The voting, we got plenty of votes.”
He's saying that he's going to win by force. And he probably will. It's over.