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Did society seemingly change ever since covid, in your eyes?

Asking this because I was 'inspired' by yesterday's edition of Dutch hooligan fights, which has been incident number I don't even know of this year.

Ever since covid happened, Dutch society has become more harsh against each other. I think hooliganism may be the most obvious example of this but society as a whole has changed for the worse. People seem to openly hate each other even more, with hooliganism, open LGBTQ+ hate, polarization and increasing right wing rhetoric.

Yesterday AZ Alkmaar fans attacked West Ham United fans outside and inside the stadium. This comes after a few days ago, FC Groningen - Ajax was suspended because of hooliganism, the week before that incidents happened as well and basically the past two years have been violent in Dutch football with incidents happening every week.

People going out and partying have seen an increase in violent incidents as well. Femicide is up. Racism and homophobia have increased.

The 'end' of covid was portrayed as one big party but the opposite seemed to have happened.

Does anyone notice this in their countries as well? Because over here in Belgium it's much less for example.