Wednesday's Theme: The Onion Headlines [BOW]
Wednesday's Theme: The Onion Headlines [BOW]

As you may be aware, there's an entire season of Andor told through headlines from The Onion.
They're good fun, so options for this Wednesday include:
- Post your favourite one of those
- Find a new headline for an image from there, or a new image (from anywhere in Star Wars) for a headline from there
- Scour The Onion for different headlines, and apply them to images (again, from anywhere in Star Wars).
If you can't find exactly what you want, a title that's roughly in the style of The Onion is okay, as are headlines that are slightly adjusted to fit.
Please tag themed posts with [BOW] - which stands for Blue Onion Wednesday (obviously).
automod test: anakin?
1 0 ReplyYou were right, freamon. You were right.
1 0 Replylol
1 0 Reply