Because dairy farmers are so indebted that even a small shortfall of revenue could mean ruin. The system can't stop or there will be massive financial collapse in that segment of the population. There needs to be a one-time government buyback of dairy assets if you want to end the cycle, and get these farmers out of their debt. Otherwise, the system will be perpetuated.
Cheese probably. Fucking love cheese. Pls diary isn't just milk.
It's chocolate it cake it's so many things.
I'm all for swapping to coconut milk for things that it can replace. If we can replicate it at some level or just plant a shit tonne of coconut trees. Potentially good for environment and nice for us.
No. No there is not. If there were everyone would happily change. Cheese is incredibly expensive at the moment. I'd something can be made that is superior to it and costs less. Plus doesn't involve abusing animals and the planet, sign me the fuck up.
So many people don't realize the amount of other foods that are made from dairy. This article is just more dumb vegan bullshit.
Our gov also subsidizes farmers so we don't end up with a famine. These articles are just hilariously idiotic from people who have no clue what it takes to run a farm....let alone feed millions of people a day.
You want collapse of a society, pull the plug on farmers and food and see how quick most of these cities turn into war zones.