Ah yes the classic dangerous command made safe by a modifier key. Put the gun to your head and pull the trigger, just make sure you’re holding down the shift key and it’s all good!
This is how my secure crt is set up when im accessing switches. If i use ctrl+c it cancels what im doing and drops back to priv mode and its so frustrating.
I never realized that was why people used the primaey clipboard on Linux...
But I'll be frank : fuck that. I'd rather disable it entirely and stop having to deal with random text pasting in bad places when I'm using the touchpad
Yeah I love this feature. I love it so much that I'll also tell everyone who cares to listen how you can use it.
Edit your ~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf file to include map ctrl+c copy_and_clear_or_interrupt and you are good to go.
Only issue I have that it doesn't seem to work in the vscode terminal.
Oh what a great way to further entrench a bad habbit! Hang on I need to remedy some refactored code with rm -rf * which Kitty made safe if I’m in a directory with my project files 🙄
I literally just learned about Ctrl+c last week, I've been using terminal casually since I was 10, and always thought it was dumb that when a script was stuck hanging that I had to close the command window and redo my steps. I always thought it was weird that you had to right click to copy something and never thought why that might be the case, I have no excuses.
I additionally mapped that latter one to F2, because being able to repeatedly copy from VIM and paste into another application without having to move your hand between mouse and keyboard is nice.
Of course, that's VIM. If you meant "vim mode" in shell, then that's a different story.