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[Weekly thread] How is everyone doing with their home improvements?
  • I replaced my faucets recently to something more modern. It was actually extremely east to do. The replacement kitchen faucet even had a mechanism for tightening it without going under the sink and trying to turn a wrench down there. Still had to go under the sink to connect the water lines and of course disconnect the old faucet.

  • Have you created value for your shareholders today?
  • I will: Never violate the trust of my clients or disrepsect their property.

    I will: Never say, "I don't know." Instead say, "I'll find out."

    I will: Always understand that my clients' time is more valuable than my own. Sci-Fi conventions, car shows, and movie premieres be damned.

    I will: Assume every problem is my fault, unless proven otherwise.

    Geek squad. We'll steal your noods.

  • Charlie Chaplain's speech in The Great Dictator - I get it now.
  • Strangely, my first exposure to this speech was in a song. I think it was in a playlist of Salty Bet (a whole different topic) but I just loved how smooth the song is and the speech is so well delivered. I figured it had to be from somewhere but had no idea it was Charlie Chaplain.

    Here's a link:

  • Companies that donated to project 2025
  • Papa Johns isn't distancing themselves from their founder very well it seems.

    Enterprise Rental Car is a surprise to me. I'll boycot them now.

    Dairy Queen... now that one hurts.

  • No Context Albbi
    Is she an old girl? not a lot of muscle on her butt.

    Cars are too damn reflective

    Working at the office today and from all angles cars are reflecting sunlight into my eyes. Just realized that bicycle parking wouldn't be causing this slight inconvenience to me. Fuck cars.

    100 Years - Five for Fighting 100 Years

    Five For Fighting · The Battle for Everything · Song · 2003

    100 Years
    Went to the hardware store

    Discovered that one of my lights was getting dimmer because halogen bulbs were burning out. This is a new house and I thought it was already an LED fixture. Got 3 new LED bulbs to make that area nice and bright.

    Also discovered the house has metal studs when I went to mount the TV. bought some metal anchors. Never worked with metal studs before. Hope it turns out.

    Scott Arniel becomes the first head coach in NHL history to record a winning streak of at least eight games from the start of his tenure with a franchise.

    Its been a pretty fun start to the season. Just really don't want the streak to end to the Leafs, but I'm kinda expecting it.

    2 Volcano Erupts in Iceland Near Power Plant, in ‘Worst-Case Scenario’

    Iceland’s weather service had warned that a volcanic eruption was likely after thousands of earthquakes were recorded this month.

    Volcano Erupts in Iceland Near Power Plant, in ‘Worst-Case Scenario’
    ggcoverage: an R package to visualize and annotate genome coverage for various NGS data ggcoverage: an R package to visualize and annotate genome coverage for various NGS data - BMC Bioinformatics

    Background Visualizing genome coverage is of vital importance to inspect and interpret various next-generation sequencing (NGS) data. Besides genome coverage, genome annotations are also crucial in the visualization. While different NGS data require different annotations, how to visualize genome cov...

    ggcoverage: an R package to visualize and annotate genome coverage for various NGS data - BMC Bioinformatics
    Thousands of banking records exposed after Alberta dental benefits administrator hacked Thousands of banking records exposed after Alberta dental benefits administrator hacked |

    The Alberta Dental Service Corporation was hacked between May 7 and July 9. The hackers communicated that they were holding data ransom and demanded cryptocurrency in payment.

    Thousands of banking records exposed after Alberta dental benefits administrator hacked  |

    > On Thursday, the Alberta Dental Service Corporation (ADSC) said it had been hacked between May 7 and July 9. On the final day, the hackers communicated they had encrypted the data, were holding it ransom and demanded cryptocurrency in payment. > > Lyle Best, the ADSC president, said the organization’s cyberinsurance was immediately engaged and the ransom was paid, recovering the data with a minimal loss of that data. Best also noted the corporation had secure backups.

    Oh for fucks sake! You don't pay the ransom if you have backups! You're just enabling the hackers to make more attacks!

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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