i wonder which 10 years they think that russia had a democracy. like, whatever 10 year period they think is an utter failure of historical analysis. absolutely deranged.
By "10 years of democracy" they mean the 1990s, when the drunk Yeltsin dissolved the parliament with tanks, when he increased the executive powers of the presidency under the pretext of the emergency situation to the point that he basically ruled by decree for most of his time in office, when the US literally openly admitted to rigging the election so that the communists wouldn't win, and when Russia experienced the worst inflation and economic crash in its entire modern history. In short, the "good, democratic Russia" that Westerners and Russian libs like is Russia during its Decade of Humiliation, when it was on its knees, being plundered and robbed by Western capital, its people committing suicide en masse, crime and gangs running rampant, and the country itself barely hanging on almost to the point of falling apart and being even further balkanized due to the terrorist insurgency in the Caucasus that British and American intelligence services had orchestrated.
Of course they are furious that someone came along and put a stop to that. They hoped for that "democracy" to continue, they wanted to "democratize" Russia to pieces like they did Yugoslavia, to rip entire chunks out of it and make Western controlled puppet states out of them where they would get to put their military bases into to surround whatever core was left of Russia and permanently keep it from ever reconstituting itself while the West got to extract all of Russia's wealth in natural resources for themselves. And why? Because that is the only thing that at this point could give their morbund capitalism a much needed infusion of vitality, even if only temporarily.
Polska, kraj znany z bycia demokratycznym i nie potwornym. Kurwa ile razy sprzedała nasza szlachta kraj za paczke fajek? Najpierw w 1795, a potem jeszcze 1989...
Poland, the country known for being democratic and not monstrous. Kurwa, how many times did the gentry sell the country for a pack a cigarettes? First in 1795, then again in 1989...