Speaking of which, I haven't quite understood what happened to make Razira ask Konsi out
Konsi was originally flirting with her and Razira was oblivious. Now suddenly Razira has asked her out, but Konsi is the one being oblivious/ not believing it
Depends. (Dunno if your DM plans to use them in your campaign, so spoilers?)
If the succubus was polymorphed by someone else using the polymorph spell or did so herself (not one of her default abilities), then yes. However, as far as I‘m aware, dispel magic doesn‘t affect a succubus‘ innate shapechanging trait.
Enough of boring rules-talk; Konsi‘s a smart (wise) goblin. She‘ll know that she just has to hug Maybe-Razira hard enough. If it‘s a shapechanger, they‘ll pop back into their true form under the force of the mighty squeeze.
Excited for the next part! Really looking forward to seeing your posts everyday. 😊
I like posts like this because I assume they distill whatever the community is about down to something that makes it really easy to just be like oh yeah fuck that and block the whole thing. How can anyone legitimately enjoy reading this, honestly?
I'm not sure I'd classify this one as hate though. It's just someone who desperately needs to have others know and validate their opinion, no matter how insignificant it is.
How utterly devoid of humor or character must you be to spend your time going around the internet making posts like this? What does this kind of post contribute to anything? If you don't like someone's creative work, you can just ignore it.