Back in the early 2000’s a co-worker asked if I had the special on VHS. Told him I did and he wanted to borrow it. I warned him how bad it was and he wouldn’t have a good time, but he still wanted it. When I gave him the tape I again warned him, he still wanted it.
3 days later he gave it back to me. I opened the case and saw the tape was only a third of the way viewed. I asked him if he wanted to finish watching it and all he said was “No. no. no…” as he walked away.
I'm disappointed there isn't a 36 hour documentary about the who/what/why this thing was made. Interviews and all.
Lucas likes to say he checked out during it but one of the Wookie names is "Itchy" which is totally a Lucasism. Same guy that almost made "Darth Icky" a thing.
This guy was a lead writer. What happened, BRUCE?!