My little brother wants to answer questions ama
My little brother wants to answer questions ama
My 4yo little brother is bored and I asked him if he wanted to answer questions and he said yea. So ask him anything youve ever wanted to ask a 4yo here
If you had a pet dinosaur, what's the first thing you would do?
Also what would you name it?
11 0 ReplyRide around on him and his name would be Brucey
6 0 ReplyI think this is the best answer we've had yet to the dinosaur question.
And that's a big deal, because we ask everyone their favorite dinosaur.
3 0 Reply
Must the proletariat seize the means of production and depose the bourgeoisie?
13 0 Reply🦈
8 0 ReplyI'll take that as "eat the rich"
3 0 Reply
If a person with multiple personalities suddenly became suicidal, from a law enforcement perspective, would this be considered to be a hostage crisis?
And in the event that said crisis was resolved without the loss of any of the personalities, from a legal perspective, what precedent would be used in reference to state a case for litigation?
Additionally, in the unfortunate event that said crisis resulted in the loss of one or more of the personalities, how does one begin to calculate compensation for the surviving personalities?
6 0 ReplyHe stopped listening to me when I didn’t know how to pronounce personalities the first 3 times I tried
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How many numbers does it take to write down infinite?
10 0 ReplyAll of them
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What’s your favorite thing to do on the playground?
6 0 ReplyHe likes the slide the best
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What is his goal in life?
8 0 ReplyTo be happy
7 0 ReplyWhat makes him happy?
Inb4 dinosaurs
6 0 Reply
If you could find a dinosaur bone, would you:
- want one bigger than you are and was really impressive but you couldn't move it and it would have to stay in the house;
- would you want one that was about the size of your finger and not really impressive but you could take it with you everywhere?
11 0 ReplyHe wants the biggest one
11 0 Reply
I didn't think this question could be even more important and relevant than the previous times I've asked it, but here we are:
What's his favorite dinosaur? 🦕
14 0 ReplyT rex
8 0 Reply
Mac and cheese, grilled cheese sandwich, or cheese pizza?
9 0 ReplyGrilled cheese
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How do you put an elephant in the fridge?
14 0 ReplyWe dont know. He probably wont fit
13 0 ReplyOpen the door, put the elephant in, close the door.
How do you put a giraffe in the fridge?
14 0 Reply
Is it siesta time yet?
8 0 ReplyWe love naps but not yet
8 0 Reply
Iceland is in the artic ocean. It's capital is Reykjavic. What is your brother's favourite fruit?
14 0 ReplyBananas
11 0 Reply
What's the newest fad? I'm out of the loop. The last I remember where those reusable bubble wrap poppit things
14 0 ReplyHe just likes anything with dinosaurs in it
14 0 ReplyLike the ground?
11 0 ReplyAs any child should haha.
2 0 Reply
Which is heavier?: 1kg of feathers or 1kg of steel
11 0 ReplySteel
7 0 ReplyHeh. Always gets them. But I don't expect a 4yo to even know what a kg is anyway, so yeah.
9 0 Reply
What's his favorite dinosaur? 🦕
9 0 ReplyT. rex
9 0 ReplyClassic.
7 0 Reply
Ice cream or cake?
9 0 ReplyIce cream!
9 0 Reply
To your brother: is your sibling a poo poo head sometimes?
Alternatively: what's your favorite Bluey episode?
10 0 ReplyHe said that yes, im always a poopy head :/
And the best bluey is burger shop
12 0 ReplyHahaha. Nice. Also can't go wrong with $1/burger. I'm not sure my kid has a favorite (2 yo), but he does like the one with the dirt pile, so I'll assume that's his favourite.
8 0 Reply
Please tell your brother to hide this thread from lemmy.worly admins
5 0 Reply