Please remember it is important to not gloat or "I told you so". This person, for a reason of which does not matter, has decided to exit the cult. This person needs support and praise for their bravery. I don't care if it is for a selfish reason.... ultimately they made it out, their mind is free! That is cause for celebration.
Is there any evidence they decided to exit the cult? People will paint the walls beige when selling a house, and that doesn't mean they don't still like whatever red and green Christmas themed house they had to start with. Pulling down a flag while selling the house you can't afford doesn't actually mean you wouldn't still vote for him.
Heres the problem. We kept the gloating and "I told you so" to a minimum after Trump round 1 and the Civil war.
Hammer it home. They need to know Every. Fucking. Minute. Of every. Fucking. Day. That the choices they made got them fired, took their job, and ruined their country. Almost everyone knew it was going to happen and warned them, and they just dug deeper with their knee-jerk "nuh-uh" fake news 3rd grade playground bully logic. They need to know beyond a doubt that they are stupid, short-sighted, easily manipulated bigots. Why? Because the only way they can change it and do better is if they fucking know it, believe it, and see that they need to change it.
Right, because telling people "they're special and nice and it's not their fault that the orange dictator is ruining the country" has historically never ever worked once.
You know? Honestly, telling them they lost their job, house and country because they joined a political cult led by a spray-tanned \ hitler wannabe, isn't really the "being an asshole" thing that you think it is, and more along the lines of just telling them to truth to their faces.
A not-insignificant portion of Trump's base will be in this boat, if they aren't already. We should be ready with messaging to pull them out of the cult, so that they don't fall back in.
No, MAGAts revel in the misery they cause .. thay love "owning the libs" and literally want nothing else in life. Nothing. They are fueled by an insane level of hatred and cruelty. It is all they understand. When you point and laugh at them for the "face eating" ... they actually get it. MAGAts do not leave their cult, they just get displaced until the next cult that let's them be hateful racists comes around.
Sure, you're right that it fits. I thought it was worth mentioning for when people encounter these types when offline. I too enjoy the schadenfreude, its why I am here.