As Americans increasingly get their news from online shows and streamers, the influence of this media ecosystem becomes more prominent — and Media Matters has found that the most popular of this content is overwhelmingly right-leaning.In a new study, Media Matters assessed the audience size of popul...
I feel like the comments are almost always discussions I can't add to or really stupid people. I want to believe that right-leaning people have made the Internet a place where conservative children have free reign of the comments section, but I don't really know any other way. I hope that one day, the sites we peruse won't be so hornbill horrible.
What comedy are the right making? Comedy takes skill to write and deliver and their idea of jokes is just punching down on people without any punchline. Something that anyone can do by just being an asshole.
Keep in mind, these are almost certain to be the same people who complain about how political everything is these days. What they mean is that they don't want to see leftist/progressive memes, but they're fine shifting the Overton widow to the right.
It is a crime that Thom Hartmann isn't more popular. The dude still regularly hosts Bernie Sanders and pretty much called everything that is happening today going back at the end of the Bush Administration. He might be the most prescient and informed guy on Earth. At the very least he pays attention to a lot of the moving parts within government and makes pretty good calls about what is going down.
I mean, let's be real here, most people on the left are either like us, on niche platforms that dont do influencers, or are on TikTok/Bluesky, and once again, having an actual influencer following is difficult on those platforms. The leftist influencers that do exist are either extremely controversial or like singing to the choir and have a very tribalist mindset that keeps people who may be willing to listen out.
I’ll believe Joe Rogan and comedians like Theo Von (who I grew up with, incidentally) have a big audience but who the fuck listens to all those other people? Podcasts aren’t like the AM radio of yore where people listened to Rush Limbaugh and then just passively listened to whomever was next. Most conservatives I know who are into talk radio listen to sports stuff like Bobby Hebert bitching about the Saints to calm down after a loss.
It looks like a lot of these are people mostly on YouTube so they will be passively listening to whatever auto-play picks for them next.
The main audience for these isn't the boomer conservative listening to talk radio on his way home from work. These are younger men listening to it in the background while they play video games. Hell they have asmongold on here and from what I can remember he was just a WoW streamer a couple years ago.
I went to summer camp and high school with Theo Von Kurnatowski and he’s a good dude. I took Art III with him and he wrote poetry. He’s probably the same person in private now but all the incentives in the “talk radio” podcast industry are to be the next Joe Rogan.