I read his voicemail was off too, dude's a fucking coward and he knows it.
44 0 ReplyCalled a few times this morning and left messages, voicemail box is open, no staff answering calls tho
18 0 ReplyThanks for the update.
5 0 Reply
When are they going to be more afraid of their constituents than of Trump?
32 0 ReplyWhen we get loud in the places they see consistently with directed pressure
Flood the phone
Show up in person
Keep pushing. We won't win every fight, but we can still win overall in the medium to long term future. We must stand strong
House dems are talking about primarying Schumer. Even some moderate ones. Now is the time to push for leadership change alongside pressuring this vote
24 0 Reply
That’s what he thinks of the common people. He just wants us to shut up and fuck off.
9 0 Reply
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