"Working people are done with performative solidarity," said Rep. Delia C. Ramirez in response. "Either you stand with us against the Republican CR, or you stand with the Musk-Trump authoritarian agenda."
I'm sure when Chancellor Trump orders the purging of opposition leaders, he'll leave you alone for sucking his dick like this. Surely debasing yourself before wild animals will keep you from being ripped to shreds by them.
Dictators kill their enemies. Everyone who isn't, and hasn't always BEEN their fiercely loyal, obedient ally is an enemy. Especially if they're a declining, psychopathic, malignant narcissist.
The entire Democratic Party leadership needs to resign and be replaced by people who will actually fight for working Americans.
In November Schumer and the other leaders suffered the worst defeat in party history yet they haven't realized the only thing left for them to do is resign in shame.
Just for the record, this is what democrats always do, and it's why they keep fucking losing.
Democrats would rather have trump than have a social-democratic platform, and it shows every time they have the opportunity to fight him and chose to capitulate instead. The democrats aren't a left-wing party, certainly not now, and arguably not since FDR.
Call your democratic rep and demand that they insist Schumer resign.
(202) 224-3121
At this point, I am Not donating a single dollar more to the party. I won’t vote for a democrat at the top of the ticket and will pick a DSA candidate or green candidate. If the democrats aren’t willing to fight for democracy or strengthen it when they’re in power, I won’t reward them with votes.
Schumer is a traitor, capitulator and collaborator.
his response to ice literally kidnapping a man for speech was three paragraphs of "oh yeah totally fuck him hate how fucking Arab he is" before finally saying "but this might be a little bit wrong? uwu" and asking for reasons rather than fucking demanding he be released immediately.
Chuck "blackbagging might be wrong" Schumer. between him and Amy I wonder how much worse a family can get.
Perfect encapsulation of the state of the Dem leadership:
"Chuck Schumer caving and saying he’ll vote for a blank check for Trump and Musk is demonstrative of why Democrats lose," lamented progressive activist and writer Jonathan Cohn. "Voters so often don’t believe what they [Dem leadership] say because they don’t believe what they say."
I quit. American politics are a circus sideshow full of dancing turds. At this point, let it burn. The side that I vote for won’t even stand up against this shit, so what good is my vote now?
Just a bunch of rich assholes doing whatever they want.
Red... Blue... doesn't matter. A bunch of spineless pussies fill congressional seats assuming if they go along with whatever bullshit is presented they'll keep getting their cushy salaries and excellent benefit packages.
Every one of the fuckers needs to be on unemployment.
I am almost certain that Schumer is being threatened. Not with political consequences, but with actual violence. Maybe against his family. Blackmail at the very least.
I have no love for the man, and while he is a spineless, contemptible coward, something about his sudden reversal on this just doesn't add up. I think there's more at play here than the normal Democrat fecklessness. Someone got to him in a way that goes beyond the typical backroom dealings. I'm calling shenanigans.
Are you guys idiots? The republicans are already fucking up the government, cutting left and right without regard to laws and congress. So you want the democrats to shut the government down to protest ... what exactly? How does this help? This basically takes the narrative that fucked up government programs are now the D's fault when the R's are currently 100% in control.
Too many people here are like kids just wanting to break things. I'm pissed too, but shutting down the government would be the stupidest thing Schumer can do right now. The R's don't care if you shut down the government. They'd be happy. They'd then blame all the liberals for social programs that wouldn't be funded and broken things. If you want to negotiate and play hardball, find something they care about and use that. This aint it.