Minnesota Governor and former VP candidate Tim Walz is launching a town hall tour in Republican-held districts where representatives have stopped holding public events.
Starting in Iowa and Nebraska, he plans stops in Wisconsin, Minnesota, and Ohio. Walz says he wants to amplify voter concerns about the Trump administration and Republican policies.
He denies using the tour to prepare for a national run, instead framing it as a way to keep Democrats engaged post-election.
His team has received hundreds of invitations from local leaders.
I love Tim Walz as the anti-Trump. He has lots of experience as well as a great example of a true public servant. He isn't rich and relies on the decades of public service he complete for his livelihood. As both a veteran and former public educator he can talk about how the cuts to the VA and Education departments are hurting everyone with some personal authority. Minnesota under his leadership got some massive progressive wins and minimized losses in 2024. Most importantly he looks like a Trump voter which apparently is needed for those people. Republicans are going full white male identity politics and he fits the bill.
I would absolutely vote for him for president. I like Minnesota Progressives anyway, and he also possesses that natural trustworthiness that appeals to rurals that are going to be brutalized by MAGA policies over the next few years.
Of course, it only matters if we can have fair, cheat-free elections, or even have elections at all.
He's also just a really nice guy and from what I can tell a great dad. That on its own is practically all the qualifications I need from a politician. I'd rather have a good-hearted idiot than a black-hearted genius (or idiot... which we currently have in charge).
I think the goofy dad demeanor is truly authentic and is disarming enough to get people to like him. Also I really enjoy his fisher stories where he tells the truth but makes it a little bigger or tuned to the audience. Since truth does not seem to matter anymore why not bend it a little bit
The neo liberals don't like what sanders is doing so they are trying to do the same thing to offer their tepid right leaning centrism which is what brought us to this point. The billionaire owned democrats are always looking for a way to impose their tepid right leaning centrism and thwart any hint of leftward movement towards economic democracy. Their goal is to maintain this class dictatorship at all costs and allowing full fledged fascism to enter the highest office was preferable to any administration that resembled FDR from
Gaining power.
The enemy that divided us was the democratic party who made it clear they were more than willing to sabotage working class voters to ensure that policy would not move to the left. Their main prerogative is to thwart economic democracy and maintain the class dictatorship of neo liberalism that their wall street military and prison industry profiteers pay them to maintain. The enemy isnt the right its billionaire war mongering prison industry profiteers who control both parties. The democratic party by the standards of the rest of the developed world is a center right party. We don't even have a true left opposition party in the us just two different flavors of conservative boot licking bullshit working to undermine working class consciousness and solidarity at every possible opportunity
Sanders has been going on rampage and is as passionate as ever. We don't need someone who "is a nice guy and follows the rules", the rules are what's getting broken, we need someone (man or woman) with some fucking BALLS. This is class warfare and we don't have a ton of time left. Between AI and climate change we need to figure out shit out way sooner rather than later. Waltz seems like a fine guy, but come the fuck on, we don't need a Midwestern nice dad, we need someone with some fire.
Tim Walz has plenty of fire, people forget really quickly, I guess. The only reason that he wasn't able to continue being spicy on the campaign trail was because of the clueless fucking DNC.
…. Is anyone dealing with the legitimacy of the last election and the next one? It doesn’t matter what the citizens vote for if their vote isn’t counted….
If you look into bullet ballots there are outliers that need to be investigated but weren’t. Not to mention Trump has admitted to manipulating the votes several times, even within the last couple of days. It’s on video.
There's enough questionable and suspect evidence that an investigation is warranted. If nothing else, it will put the question to rest. The American people deserve a through investigation.
We don't have the evidence really but I think the "rigging" has mostly been in the form of disenfranchisement -- making it hard for those most likely to vote Democratic. If we can flip the tables and get rural, traditionally Republican, counties to go blue then I don't think the GOP is prepared to counter that.
"Excellent, not only will this definitely shift a bunch of trump supporters to our side, it will rally moderate and left leaning voters to us when they realize how brilliant of a strategy it is to mirror our opposition! 2028 is a lock!"
Could you please explain what he is doing then? Because my impression after reading the article was that Walz is focusing on right wing voters, and not on the other ~70% of Americans. I'm not trying to be divisive. To me this looks like a continuation of the Democrats strategy over the last 10 years of pandering to the center. Which clearly hasn't worked. So what am I not seeing?
Not OP, but it appears Democrats are going to take the "high road" and campaign like it’s the 1950s. Again. In person, "addressing voter concerns," focusing on policy.
This is how you become president: Lie, loudly, frequently, through your teeth on social media. And shill every influencer you can to amplify it, like a pyramid scheme. That’s how you reach people: through their phones, hacking the engagement system, shamelessly. And Dems are going to keep losing until they figure that out or their party is outlawed.
Remember this in 4 years. Tim walz could save the economy, Legalize slavery, take away woman's rights to vote, make the nation kneel before white Jesus and he wouldn't get a single Republican voter to switch sides and vote Democrat or independent. It's a waste of time, energy and money. The only thing he could do is get that magic (R) next to his name on the ballot.