Exactly my philosophy. Also the whole "escape reality" bit. I also like RPGs where I can be an immortal skeleton or a lizard prince (ok, both of those examples were actually just Divinity: Original Sin 2).
if you find yourself playing games as an immortal skeleton or a lizard prince, you may not be entirely human. join my community and see if you relate to being a skeleton or lizard 😃
Honestly, confuses me as well. I'm all for playing whatever gender you want to, but looking at polygons in the shape of a human ass is... different for sure.
On the one hand, this is funny.
On the other hand, this is exactly the kind of humor that led to me repressing my gender identity.
I feel so conflicted.
I'm a big, fat, hairy, cishet dude, and I always play as a woman when it's an option. Female characters generally get more attention from the developers (for obvious reasons), so they usually have better designs and animations, resulting in an objectively higher-quality product. It's also fun in multiplayer games because toxic dweebs hate it when they think they lost to a girl.
The same toxic dweebs might also go weird towards you sometimes, it's definitely an experience getting to know why a lot of women carry pepper spray in public.
funnily enough that's exactly (but opposite) what i told myself before i realised i was a trans man
"oh i play exclusively male characters because they have better armour models and the animations look more immersive, and i prefer to hear a dude talk/groan when i'm in dialogue or get hit. no other reason haha"
I've just come to the conclusion that my digital persona is a woman. I'm a cis hetero man in real life though. Not really any questions about it. But even in VR, I just exist as a lady.
My wife plays as a male and I play as a female. When we were playing wow, random male characters would drop me 100gold at a time. This is when we were very early into wow and we just started getting silvers.
I was going to comment that this looks more like ffxiv than skyrim, and expose the boomer who made this meme that can't tell the difference between two extremely popular games.
Although I've never played ffxiv so I don't actually know if that's what this is, and I didn't play enough skyrim to be able to identify those wall/ground textures.
I just think they look better. Rather stare at something nice than fugly. The only time i play a male is when they have bad ass enough looking armor at low enough levels. Even then its prob an alt from all the gear I got on my female main since its not usable on her.
Lots of people make excuses, but if they really sat down and thought about it without any internalized transphobia they'd realize it's actually because they want to be a girl more than anything else.
For me that depends on a game. I noticed that in a fantasy game I usually pick female character and if it's more normal earthly setting (especially shooters) I go with male. I don't know why, maybe because of outfits. For me fantastical outfits look cooler on girls and military outfits look cooler on dudes.
I've tried it once or twice, really isn't for me, always end up going back to a male character. Maybe if I played more in third person, I'd be more likely to play as a female one... but probably still no.
So I’m also in this crowd, and I’ve also given my gender as a cishet man lots of consideration. I genuinely don’t identify in the real world ultimately as a woman and don’t really wish I’d been born female. I’m more in the crowd of it just being a different experience or perspective that isn’t otherwise available to me.
If I could easily flip between two universes where I could be either man or woman, I’d be interested, but only if it was reversible. I wouldn’t want it to be permanent.
And this isn’t from the perspective of being gender-fluid either. I wouldn’t want any of that in my current life as it exists right now.
I think it's very likely you're trans and there's nothing wrong with that, it's important to come out and accept yourself and realize that these are signs you might not be as cis as you thought you were.