There are many reasons a person might feel compelled to purchase a Tesla Cybertruck. Most of those reasons are tied to Elon Musk himself. If you like Elon Musk and think he’s a pretty cool du…
Government response should be....
"While the government sympathises with your plight and considers protecting its citizens a core duty, recent events have left the government under manned and thus powerless to protect those who cheer on the downsizing of the government until it directly affects them. Therefore please accept our apologies but until such time as staffing levels allow us to focus on anything but the absolutely vital functions of government which are already more than we can handle, we will not be able to offer you any support."
Just don’t buy a cyber”truck”? I am genuinely baffled why anyone would choose that over any other truck in America. There are so many better priced, and higher quality vehicles on the market.
There's a dude who owns a swasticar a few streets over, and I've noticed I'm not the only one to flip it off when I'm going by. But that's about as aggressive any attacks are getting around here
So I guess you don’t mind having to bury it if it catches fire, because they reach insane temperatures. Or the fact that raccoons think they are dumpsters.