Curious to hear thoughts on what a riot would look like? Not that I’m planning one myself…but are there goals to this convention of rage and distrust with our current administration? Does it have to be planned? Is rioting more an anarchy-type situation, where we just go balls to the walls ape shit on anything worth setting fire to?
harming actual people is out of the question to me. I pity the ppl who voted for trump, but I don’t think physically harming people would allow me to feel good about anything, let alone actually ignite change to our benefit.
Idk man.... Anything with "police" or "Tesla" or "trump" or "maga" or anything other such nonsense would seem to me to be a fair and valid target of aggression in such a situation. Other than "break shit until they listen" I'm unsure what the goal of a riot would be.
Did rioting work for George Floyd? Every single police reform bill was killed when Fox News exploited the riots to portray the whole police reform movement as crazy.
Rioting just injures a couple of working class cops, gets yourself arrested, and plays into their hands. If you want the ruling oligarchs to fear you, don't riot. Harm the economy. Boycott. General strike. Make the line go down.
The Oligarchs -"we are gonna crash the economy so we can buy everything up at a fraction of its value."
You -"Crash the economy that will show them."
I get the sentiment. Riots probably going to just end up bad. The only way they work is if you don't stop until everything is changed. They can't fizzle out or they don't accomplish anything.
But wouldn't a general strike would just play into their hands. Also, If fox News can twist the BLM protests, they can twist a general strike. Trump will just blame his economic failures as our failures. So, using Fox, and a twisted narrative as reasons to not do something means we will never do anything at all because every thing will be twisted.
If I know anything about people in power is that they never learn. Colin kapernick kneeled to protest police brutality. Not even a year later George Floyd dies from police brutality and people rioted and burned down police station etc...
If you don't let people protest THEY WILL RIOT.
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable"
Not to mention Kap got the suggestion to take a knee from a goddamn Green Beret. The majority of Americans are taught that nationalism=patriotism and that’s a dangerous way to think, especially when we have the biggest guns.
Not to take away from the horribleness of what they're trying to do, but he has been found now in some good news. They moved him all the way to Louisiana (for no justifiable reason) and after making contact with his attorneys a judge has temporarily blocked deportation order. Still keep a close eye on it
Americans are apathetic, misinformed, dissuaded or exhausted by everything going on the last 8 years or so.
Would be totally surprised if major public protests happened. People mainly just look out for themselves. That’s the American way. Community has been removed and replaced with TV.
I mean, the literal design of an American suburb is to make sure everyone stays as individualistic as possible and does not connect or form community. It is by design