My 7 year old was in a car pool to go to an after school activity. Each girl got to pick a song and apparently all but once picked a kids song. My daughter asked if they could play Green Day.
I’ve never heard anything about schlock rock. What a bizarre concept. I fully believed that you were messing with me until I heard “M-m-m-m-m-m-my menorah” to the tune of “my Sharona”
I played Casper babypants for my kid when she was young. He was the singer of the presidents of the United States of America and it's honestly just pusa music but a little more kiddie like. Absolute bangers plus my kid live pusa now.
I successfully used the Barenaked Ladies Snacktime! album to move one of my friend's kids from kids music to folk rock to hard rock. She now occasionally drags me to big concerts and we got tattoos (not matching) at the same time for her very first tattoo. I'm her favorite uncle, even though she has two that are actually related and pretty good guys.
Can confirm about the Caspar Babypants bangers, and would also like to add Secret Agent 23 Skidoo for totally amazing kidhop, his daughter even raps with him.