There is very little point of talking about abortion to anyone over the age of 25. They've already made up their mind and you won't convince them to change. The only solution is voting.
I've become much more flexible in my thinking and beliefs the older I've gotten, and statistically young people are much more likely to have extreme positions on things.
If anything, you're probably going to have a worse time convincing young people who think they know everything, than older people who understand that they don't.
Same here, and pretty notably I keep getting more left wing instead of more conservative and the same's been happening to my friends too, so even the idea that you automatically get more conservative as you age is pretty suspect.
Shit, right now in Finland the under 25's are more conservative than Millennials, at least based on voting patterns
I’ve also gotten much more flexible and understanding as I grow older. Having kids, especially helped me build more empathy for people in different situations. It’s hard to act as a role model for little ones without actually becoming that better person you hope they see in you, and I love them all the more for it. You would have much better luck talking to me today than when I was under 25.
And on healthcare rights in particular I’ve gotten far more understanding and accepting. I mean, i always understood it was not my business to try to control other people’s health/bodies, but now I’m also more understanding of their situation
Separating the population into two groups based on arbitrary criteria then making blanket statements about the groups is prejudice. I don't think prejudicial thinking is really what you want to be supporting, is it?
For online discussions, it can be worth it. You might not change the mind of the person you're talking to, but there are more lurkers than posters. Your discussion is for them.
I think if you aren't the one debating, you are more open to differing opinions.
You are right I did miss word that thank you. Letting people know that there is a vote. That’s important. Trying to convince them to voteone or the other to me is just pointless. They’ve already made up their mind. If it takes a life lesson for them to learn well that’s a harsh life lesson. If they learn from it , great. if they didn’t well, maybe it wasn’t hard enough lesson.
I've always been pro-abortion, but I've definitely become more open-minded as I got older, even though I'm still in my 20s. Maybe it's because I developed empathy. Maybe it's because I started listening and reading diverse perspectives on Reddit and now Lemmy that I don't see in my real life bubble.
I changed my mind about both religion and abortion in my mid 30s. All it took was more information and me stepping back to acknowledge some of my defenses were just my religion and I moving goal posts.
Still, with many other things that religion i always required repeatable proof, especially when I experienced it personally.
For example, I'm going to go a bit into details about an old online game, Final Fantasy 11. That game had several stats you balanced for attacks and for special build up attacks called weapon skills.
One Stat needed almost always for normal attacks was Accuracy. Now weapon skills could come in single or multi hit flavors, and people started using tools to figure out optimal stats for both. What they found is that the first hit of any weapon skill had a huge accuracy boost, while remaining hits did not.
So it was more optimal to not use accuracy in single hit weapon skills. Now an important caveat: 100% accuracy was hard coded as impossible. There was always a 5% miss rate, like with a d20 hitting 1. So 1 hit weaponskills missed 5% of the time mo matter what.
If you parsed the data over time, that would be obvious. However, to your own eyeballs and memories, you always remembered the full miss, and it would feel like you needed more accuracy. Data doesn't lie, but your feelings and memory do.
I learned from that that you can't just operate on what you feel is correct, you need to review the data to see what it says about the effects of your choices.
I learned how much having access to abortion helped poorer people, helped women,lowered crime, etc. So i changed my mind.
Reading the thread title and the rest of your comments here, it doesnt seem like you asked this in good faith. After all, your mind is made up, why should we waste our time trying to change it?
I'm not pro choice, I'm pro-abortion. As in, abortions should be the default. You should have to prove that you're able to provide a healthy and stable environment to be allowed to have a kid.
I mean, you might be able to. I was mostly joking. I can see how abortion kind of is murder but also it kind of is just a clump of cells at first, that the parents should be able to decide if they want to allow to develop.