My guess is preserving the public lands is something that maybe 80% of Americans will agree with. It's a 3rd rail and his support will plummet if he tries to follow through.
That's the neat part about implementing fascism, you suddenly stop giving a shit about public support. Why do you think they were trying to do it that badlt
The UK is like that and it resulted in mass trespassing. Now while a lot of it is still privately owned people can still walk across a bit of it. Honestly we need something like allemansratten.
Don’t worry, no one is thinking that. But wouldn’t it be so much more productive to have oil wells and strip mines there? Otherwise that land is just fraud, waste, and abuse
Trump's favorite president, Andrew Jackson, paid off the (relatively small) national debt by selling off enough stolen Indian land that it crashed the real estate market and therefore the US economy.
There was a big, high wall there that tried to stop me
A sign was painted said "Private Property"
But on the backside, it didn't say nothing
This land was made for you and me
Counterpoint: Do they even care? They'll do it anyway. What did they care if the public doesn't like it? They'll be richer for it and that's all that matters.