I don't get this. Y'all should talk to a psychologist. Its a goddamn mobile phone. If you don't want to use a device's primary function maybe you should use something else to browse porn.
And if talking to people makes you anxious and makes you feel violated or makes it feel like someone is disrespecting your private bubble...
You should go out more. Without that gd device in your pocket because clearly, obviously to everyone else but you that device is hampering you, limiting you even hurting you.
Just because it's normalized doesn't mean it should be. Several decades ago it used to be perfectly normal and polite to smoke in restaurants next to strangers.
Just because making calls is one of the functions of the device in my hands doesn't mean it's its primary function.
If you disagree with the take that unplanned phone calls without an emergency are invasive, imagine this comment is a phone call and you need to answer as soon as I post it, otherwise I'll be quite upset with you not responding.
I think with the context of the Meme, yes there are some people who call you and you just know its gonna be a huge annoying phone call that you should just avoid and text the person after because some people just wanna talk your ears off.
I dunno if we have to do the: omg millenials/gen alpha is too phone anxious thing.
And sure its called a mobile phone, but as an argument that feels somewhat pedantic nowadays. Primarily its a mobile internet connected computer nowadays I would say. I use the camera/ texting/ social media functions way more than the real phone capabilities. Maybe thats different for you but I don’t think it’s uncommon that its one of the lesser used functions.
Sure if people are too anxious to pick up the phone and it negatively impacts their life they should get help for it. I don’t think we should shame them in that case though. It feels to me like shaming depressed people when they cannot find the energy to shower, which I would similarly feel is inadequate input.
Nah you're 100% in the wrong here, and it's wild that you bring up respect, as if this attitude and behavior isn't incredibly disrespectful. Calling someone is literally not disrespectful. What the fuck is wrong with people