Supporters of such moves argue that bike lanes worsen traffic congestion, negatively impact local businesses and delay emergency vehicles from getting where they need to go.
They are wrong on all points, as proven time and time again. Why are we still listening to these liars?
The fact remains that the most traffic you'll see on any road, just happen to be roads without cycling infrastructure.
If 18 lanes of highway still can't solve congestion, then the Ontario government should look at how to remove cars from those roads, instead of inducing further demand.
A permanent, predictable bike lane doesn’t impact traffic nearly as much as random cars parked on the street (everyone in the lane has to move over), but these people never complain about too much street parking.
I think their claim is that bike lanes mean that you’re permanently blocking that parking lane off so you can’t have 2 lanes instead of 1, or forgetting that the second lane is normally parking spaces. I think my favorite bit of all of this is all the videos of bike lanes without stop and go bikes where drivers record and say “no one’s using them!”