This woman took the bus for a one mile hike while she was in college? Like, in her twenties she looked at the prospect of walking for just over a kilometer and a half, a distance you can apparently cover by bike faster than by bus, and she went "nah, I need mechanical help for that".
I war of the worldsâd my partner once. Itâs the sort of thing you do once, realize just how fucked up your actions were, and learn never to do it again, or a yearly tradition if youâre with precisely the right person.
Created like 2 years of emotional dependence from that. Really stagnated our personal evolutions. Truly a terrible joke. I regret it weekly.
Op should tell her asap. Op caused this and if op truly cares about the situation they should take responsibility and the blame.
Worser cases reality 1: The panic attack was unrelated and Op is a stone cold bastard for not asking/showing empathy about it.
Worser cases reality 2: Gf thinks there was someone else and she had cheated with on accident, these panic attacks keep occurring as its settles as a deep trust issues complex.
Best case reality: Op tells her straight to the point and offers a sincere apology. Gf forgives op, and the relationship is strengthened in the long term.
Mixed reality: Gf is furious and dumps Op on the spot. They both dodged a red flag and were simply not compatible in finding eachothers boundaries. You don't pull jokes like that on a single whim, itâs clearly part of their nature.