the deputies were called by a store employee who allegedly assumed she was a transgender woman.
It's Walmart to blame here, not so much the police. You guys need to boycott Walmart or whatever. Are things so bad that it's literally illegal to be trans now that Walmart calls the police on you?
When she finally exited the stall, she said she lifted her shirt to prove she was not a man, expecting the ordeal to end. Instead, she said one deputy continued to question her appearance, insisting she “looked like a man.”
The police are equally if not more deserving of blame for continually harassing this woman even after forcing her to expose herself to them.
When she finally exited the stall, she said she lifted her shirt to prove she was not a man, expecting the ordeal to end.
The police are equally if not more deserving of blame for continually harassing this woman even after forcing her to expose herself to them.
From the way it's written, she did it voluntarily expecting it to then end. It does not state the police officers asked / required her to do so. If you invite a bunch of idiots in, they're going to behave like idiots. The impetus was the Walmart employee
Now I feel so much safer. Trans women can’t come in women’s wc to piss but male police can come in to inspect my poossy if I don’t look like a porn star (which, let’s be honest is the only concept these people have of feminine women).