Simon Clark is great, really well produced and entertaining videos. I think he goes a little overboard with the relentless optimism in this one but it's worth watching anyway.
I love how the graphs overlap up to our current time but it optimistically looks for it to diverge starting basically just now but we won't really be able to tell till like 2050 once we have enough of a significant deviation to maybe see we are on a better track. We have done stuff but I would not call it a lot. I would call it rather minimal.
Yeah, I agree that 2.1C would be kind of ridiculous, unless some magical technology rolls out pretty darn soon or all governments hit all of their goals (extraordinarily unlikely.) But given that a few decades ago we thought we were going for 4 degrees, 2.5-3.5 (Which he did say was most likely) is a great deal of improvement.
Sorry. I'm not even going to watch that. Let me know once this graph starts making a steady downward movement. Then I might believe we are making progress.