For the glory of the Empire!
For the glory of the Empire!

Because this needs to be a regular thing, come forward warriors and announce the feats you have achieved! For the glory of the Empire!
I planted many flower, herb and tomato seeds in trays, according to the directions on the packets! FTGOTE
2 0 ReplyWeeeeeeeell... I'm not lying on this now: Taking a shit for the glory of the empire!
36 0 ReplyI held our cat while my wife trimmed its nails FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE
29 0 ReplyI got married FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!!
26 0 ReplyI exported the Bill of Materials spreadsheets to PDF and emailed them to the contract suppler, for the Glory of the Empire!
22 0 ReplyI got eight and a half hours of sleep FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
20 0 ReplyI confirmed an X-Ray tech was on the way to the Newborn ICU, for the glory of the empire!
18 0 ReplyI played Animal Crossing, for the glory of the empire!
16 0 ReplySipped coffee FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
15 0 ReplyBought fiber gummies, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
13 0 ReplyBeen scrolling on Lemmy, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
12 0 Replyi caught the bus for the glory of the empire
12 0 ReplyTook over ! FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE
12 0 ReplyCompared color swatches against a painted wall for the glory of the empire. I concluded it fell somewhere between the colors of the two swatches for the glory of the empire.
11 0 Replytook a piss while finishing my beer FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
11 0 ReplyI brushed my teeth AFOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
10 0 ReplyScooped the litter box for the glory of the empire!
10 0 ReplyI gathered eggs from my chicken coop FO4 THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE.
10 0 ReplyI beat my meat for the glory of the empire
10 0 ReplyTook a nap. FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!
10 0 ReplyI’m learning a new programming language for the glory of the empire!
10 0 ReplyI reflected on my last answer given on these, which was "stayed up past bedtime". Very honorable individuals wished me the best in my battle against fatigue, and while cherishing the responses, I felt I was promoting an unhealthy sleep pattern. So now I wanted to point this out... FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
9 0 ReplyI opened an image preview on Lemmy FOR GLORY OF THE EMPIRE
9 0 ReplyBought a new fifth of vodka and ate two gummies, for the glory of the empire.
9 0 ReplyI pet my cats for the glory of the empire!
9 0 Reply9 0 ReplyThanks for bringing this back. I really needed it this week.
I called Central Supply to inform them we're running low on the sanitizing wipes we use to clean our desks FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
9 0 ReplyLost a game of chess FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
9 0 ReplyTaught a child to spell CALVIN AND HOBBES, for the glory of the Empire!
9 0 ReplyWatched Severance, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE
8 0 ReplyI attempted to hail a member of my clan, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
8 0 ReplyI designed and am 3d printing a self expanding threaded insert of a threaded insert insert FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!!
8 0 ReplyI'm doing the exact same thing I was doing the last time this was posted. Shitting. For the glory of the Empire.
8 0 ReplyI powdered my balls! For the glory of the Empire!
8 0 ReplySat in a hot tub, with two English sisters, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
8 0 ReplyI went out to dinner with my parents FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE! It's always nice when I get to spend some time with them and catch up.
8 0 ReplyI DD'd for my girlfriend and her friend FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!!
8 0 ReplyAte a disappointing taco salad and then laid on my back for an hour FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
8 0 ReplyI scratched my balls, for the glory of the empire!
8 0 ReplyI took my antidepressants FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
8 0 ReplyDislocated my thumb; for the glory of the Empire!
Also had to put our dog to sleep; for the glory of the Empire‽ His death was an honorable one and we will meet again for battle in Sto-vo-kor!
Also, ate cake for my birthday... FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!!
It's been a long week y'all lol
8 0 ReplyScratched my boyfriend's back for the glory of the Empire!
I actually read a lot of these to him last week. "Strong hair, strong heir" was freaking inspired.
7 0 ReplyI took my meds and made some tasty food and drinks for my loved ones FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
7 0 ReplyI both mourned the death and celebrated the life of someone who recently passed, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
7 0 ReplyI marinated the porkchops, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
7 0 ReplyI baked pre-made pizza buns FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
7 0 ReplyI replaced a valve cover gasket for the glory of the Empire!
7 0 ReplyI watched Severance, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
7 0 ReplyTook my nighttime anxiety meds... for the glory of the empire!
7 0 ReplyI ordered McDonalds FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE
7 0 ReplyI woke up way to early on a Saturday FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!
7 0 ReplyDrank ginger ale FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
7 0 ReplyI put leftover stew in the freezer FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
7 0 ReplySet a local large language model loose on transcripts of some work meetings to generate summaries and lists of action points. For the glory of the empire!
7 0 ReplyTalking on the phone with a friend about rebuilding his Pathfinder character, so it sucks a lot less for the glory of the empire
7 0 ReplyI had a sip of bourbon FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
7 0 ReplyGot off the couch and actually voyaged through the house to my bed for once, where I shall sleep FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE
6 0 Replytook a dab FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!!
6 0 ReplyGlory to you.... and your hoouuuuse
6 0 ReplyEarlier this evening I expelled warm wet air through a curved metal tube with holes in it, for the glory of the Empire! Kaplah!
6 0 ReplyI ate blueberries for the glory of thre empire.
6 0 ReplyI enjoyed a chocolate muffin and black tea at 3 am! For the glory of the Empire!
6 0 ReplyChewed around the pit of the date I was eating and put it in the garbage FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
6 0 ReplyJust lit a blunt for the glory of the empire
6 0 ReplyCussed out my mom
6 0 ReplyFinished off a poop, for the glory of the empire!
6 0 ReplyI showed my wife memes FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
5 0 ReplyI have let loose the logs of war For the glory of the Empire!
5 0 ReplyI fed my son and rocked him to sleep, for the glory of the Empire and the House of Fry!
5 0 ReplyPoured a glass of wine for the glory of the empire
5 0 ReplyAte a peach, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
5 0 ReplyWoke up at two in the morning with crippling anxiety FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE
5 0 ReplyBrowsing Lemmy before getting up, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
5 0 ReplyI washed my fancy insulated water bottle FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
5 0 ReplyHunted a quematrice, for the glory of the Empire!
5 0 ReplyReplied to a post on Lemmy for the glory of the empire!!!!!
5 0 ReplyI commented on a Star Trek meme post despite having seen nothing but the Chris Pine movies for the glory of the empire!
5 0 ReplyI took a piss FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
4 0 ReplyI drank a mocha, for the warriors of the empire who's songs will forever be sung
4 0 ReplyClosed the door, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE
4 0 ReplyI looked at different Gridfinity options FOR THE GLORY OF THE
DRAWEREMPIRE!4 0 ReplyI just made pasta, a nice al fresco, with penne noodles and garlic cream sauce. Throw in some mushrooms and cherry tomatoes and it pairs nicely with a bottom shelf tequila mixed with redbull in an 2 to 1 ratio, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE! hits chest audibly
4 0 ReplyI've just taken my Statins medication FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
4 0 ReplyI watched an episode of Star Trek: Voyager... FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
4 0 ReplyI replaced 2 500GB drives in my PC with 2 1 TB ones from 2012 I had laying around for the glory of the empire! I also have a 60GB drive I took out of a PS3 if anyone has any suggestions as to what I should do with that.
4 0 ReplyPoint out the comma in this meme is superfluous* FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
* It would have been fine with no punctuation, or you could use an ellipsis… if you want to indicate a pause.4 0 ReplyI made chocolate pudding for the glory of the empire! And now I will eat chocolate pudding for the glory of the empire!
3 0 ReplyI prepared breakfast and warm drinks for my household, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
3 0 ReplyI planted tomato seeds for the glory of the Empire!
3 0 ReplyI had a coffee and slice of sourdough toast, so that I might have energy for yoga this morning. FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
3 0 ReplyTook my 15 minute break FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!!
3 0 ReplyI took a shit
3 0 ReplyI battled a hairy canine attacking him with water conditioner and forged steel combs for the glory of the empire!
2 0 ReplyI ate a cup of yogurt FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
2 0 ReplyI popped a zit on the inside of my eyelid, for the glory of the empire!
2 0 ReplyWatched Direwolf20 video FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
2 0 ReplyI rubbed my dog's belly, for the glory of the empire.
2 0 ReplyI read through seeming endless logs from a battle simulation and used these log to improve the accuracy of the simulation. It may seem like tedious work not fitting of a Klingon warrior, but now our brothers and sisters will be more prepared with a fair simulation as they train FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
2 0 ReplyI started jalapeno seeds FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
2 0 ReplyI cooked a meal and cleaned the kitchen! FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
2 0 ReplyI took out the garbage, FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
2 0 ReplyI watched the pirates of the carribean For The glory of the Empire!
1 0 ReplyDidn't we have this exact same thread a week ago?
1 0 ReplyI switched my indexer from Jackett to Prowlarr FOR THE GLORY OF THE EMPIRE!
1 0 Reply