Any major housing crash will probably affect your ability to purchase a home. The real solution is laws limiting property investment combined with building new, dense housing in areas that already have services.
Or the economy crashes to the point where prices drop and the fed lowers interest rates to try to stimulate the economy, but the economy is so bad that you don't have a job to be able to qualify for a loan.
Wallstreet will never let another collapse happen.
They have too much money tied up in SFR and will use any correction as a firesale to quickly scoop up as much real estate as they can, further limiting supply and stabilizing prices
i am a millennial that bought a house with a restaurant job back in 2012, because they were cheap snd interestes was low, if i had waited i would be screwed, i don't think i could afford a house now
House builders won't overbuild as it harms their sale prices so that won't cause an oversupply.
The only way that the ratio can change in the buyers favour is if suddenly an ungodly number of people die for some reason or the general population's finances collapse to the point where they are no longer trying to buy a house. You're likely to be one of the victims if either of those things happen. All you can do is keep saving.
As long as artificial demand is being driven by speculators, housing will never get cheaper. Even assuming there is enough supply, which is also unlikely.
Some prices are dropping, if you want to risk buying houses that can't be insured. Although a bank won't give a mortgage for those, so there is no winning.
C'mon... give me my unicorn... I've selflessly granted the right-wing consent to make those more vulnerable than me suffer, by heroically sitting on my heroic ass on many election days, I am a pure and very special, delicate flower, I know what's what and how's how better than anyone before or after me! i'M sO sPeCiaL, gOdDaMniT, giVE mE wHaT i WaaaaNt!!!