Security fix
The HTML for the shared link page (/share/<token>) is built on the server, and was previously susceptible to cross-site scripting (XSS). In short, this means you could do stuf...
I've been using different software during the years to keep track of my pictures. None of them - other than Facebook - allowed to tag faces in pictures manually when the AI failed to do so. That was always very frustrating because some of the most important pictures I wanted to have there were not tagged and there was no way of manually doing it.
This is until today where this feature finally landed, I'm so excited, this will make the app much more useful. Now we could even pretend our cat Leo is a person and just tag his face manually ;)
Do you have any recommendations (or pointers) for a “secure” blob storage host i can put my personal fam pics on and mount that to immich?
I have a (mid-tier) linux VPS running somewhere, some ideal setup would be to mount the blob and show/share pics via immich on VPS, and i will automate putting the pics in the blob from all the devices we own
Haven't heard about this project before. I was using a self hosted Nextcloud instance so far. What would be the benefit of switching to immich? I guess immich does have some advances features, like the tagging was mentioned, specifically for picture management.
As someone who has used both. Immich is much more polished now. Very snappy, and lightweight compared to running a full nextcloud instance. It's also better at face detection and tagging photos. I can search "breaker panel" and immediately find what I'm looking for.
If you already use Nextcloud, try the Memorie-Extension. It has all the features of Immich. The tagging-feature for faces has been there for at least the year I am using it now.
My worry with this is that it might be super resource heavy and unstable. That's not based on thorough investigation though. I've been eyeing it for my 80gb photo library. How does it work for you?