Do y’all seriously not get any sort of pride out of the work you do? Feelings of accomplishment when you do a good job on something? Recognition from your peers?
Sure, it feels kinda nice but then gestures broadly at everything, that momentary "nice" feeling isn't going to get me out of debt, isn't a guarantee that I won't be fired and replaced the moment I am too old or sick to work, isn't going to get me out of my current "On a diet for financial reasons" financial situation.
It is like trying to cure depression with a breath mint. Plus, the usual "Company reports growth and record profits but certainly cannot afford to give raises to you, bottom feeders, keep making profits for us who sit at the top and be thankful you even get a chance to do so", sure sucks all the joy out of everything.
I love doing a good job and completing a project. Those moments are wonderful and i cherish them deeply but they're fleeting. The obligation to have and maintain a career for survival is the issue. I like the work i do, i loath that i have to do it.
The trick is finding the joy, for lack of a better word, in those things while knowing full well they don’t matter. Do it just to do it for you, and hopefully for good reason.