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How do plumbers exist if there's no junior plumbers


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  • So he's saying that people whose entire qualification are they went through a 2 week boot camp or through a youtube tutorial aren't qualified...? I think? I tend to agree if thats all theyve done, but to be honest a lot of my degree felt like it could have been a 4 hour YT tutorial.

    People who get out of uni have no real world experience and should be treated as a juniors though. I've met a lot of people who have book smarts and no idea what to do after theyre in an org. They're weird to work with because you can explain a concept, they'll get it but not be able to apply it or fully see relevance. They're intelligent but lack experience, which seniors provide.

    The LinkedIn OP doesn't write clearly, but seems to think junior roles don't do real work. He clearly needs to work in a SOC role to see the difference between a junior and a senior. Lacking experience doesn't mean no meaningful output.