Laws only matter if you're not rich.
Laws only matter if you're not rich.
Not to mention that Swartz had a JSTOR account, which means he was legally entitled to download the things that he did. The part they didn't like was that he used scripts to download en-mass, and a bunch of boomer fucks thought he actually committed a crime.
Well in the Social Network movie and chapter 2 of the Accidental Billionaires, Mark Zuckerberg used
in shell scripts to get copyrighted images for private servers.Can we give punish him?
No, he's part of the US oligarchy. Don't criticize too much or you might happen to have sudden, unexplainable tech problems and legal trouble. /s
To be fair, he broke and entered a networking closet as well. But I guess that is a separate issue.
The university AND jstor were pretty quick to get as uninvolved from that mess as quick as possible, so it really doesn't matter.... But what you're saying has nothing to do with the case and is also not true. "Broke and entered" implies forced physical access into a clearly forbidden area. The network closet was a room that was left unlocked and was frequently used by janitorial staff to put junk in.
IIRC (could be wrong) the closet was unlocked. So can we really call that "breaking and entering?"
broke what
Important to note Aaron was helping democratize information while companies like Meta, Amazon, Google and Microsoft just centralize, twist and redact information to monetize access to a dumbed down and censored version of it.
Rest in power, Aaron. 🫡
Eat the rich.
It's Luigi time!
There is a very good documentary about Aaron's life: The Internet's Own Boy
Its license is Creative Commons, so it's on youtube:
The movie is on CC? Doing Aaron proud.
Goes to show how much of a joke copyright is. These laws are bought by and made to protect the interests of corporations. disgusting. rip aaron schwarz, your ideas live on.
He was murdered. He did not commit suicide.
Another reason to tell Obama to fuck himself.
Along with his treatment of Snowden doing a public good.
I am getting so sick of this fucked up world.
Meta hoards the commons like a dragon, pillaging open archives to train its soulless algorithms, while Aaron Swartz—a true steward of knowledge—was hunted down for daring to share.
One gets a slap on the wrist, the other gets a noose of legal threats. Justice? No, this is corporate feudalism, where the lords rewrite the rules and the serfs pay with their lives.
Aaron wanted liberation; Meta wants monopoly. The system rewards the parasite and punishes the visionary. Remember that next time you scroll through their ad-soaked wasteland.
They know that liberation is a threat to them.
I love Anna's archive. I still buy e-books, but will download a drm free copy from the archive.
Crazy idea:
If copyright was invented to prevent printers from scooping authors’ work and out-competing them for sales…
Maybe copyright should only apply if you’re trying to compete with the author?
So like, not if you’re just a lowly individual trying to keep up with the references all of society is making, or understand the world you live in.
If we had the political power to fight Disney, then we could enact a UBI so everyone can get free art all the time.
LotR should have entered the public domain in 2023.
Instead we got the Rings of Power.
out-competing them for sales…
Boy that is a really mental gymnastics way of saying "profiting from someone else's work".
It's becoming more and more obvious that they were always referencing bank accounts when saying we're a country of checks and balances.
Is it safe to assume that every single author (apart from the ones that cannot prove their works were in any of those archives at the time) can sue meta for plagiarism and theft?
It's possibly classed as fair use,_Inc._v._Google,_Inc.
Aaron Swartz lives on
This is like the worst example possible, considering Aaron himself was rich, which should tell you the obvious, that being rich was never a sole differentiator.
But that might be too disruptive to the current echo chamber.
You need to be "i own several politicians" level of rich before it helps
Tbh I just couldn't think of a good title. Maybe "Laws don't matter if its a company doing it"?
I genuinely believe that if he was still around he'd of ended up a proponent for federated social media. I'm pretty sure he was the driving force behind opening it's source, and it wasn't until four years after his death that it was closed off again.
Force Zuck to commit suicide!!!!
who da fuck disliked the post? How dare you!
Any discussion/advice community that allows low-effort meme slop will inevitably become choked out by it. I understand I am in the minority and the mods like having the memes, but eventually we'll need /c/piracydiscussion if content of this formatting is permitted.
Obviously 99% of people here would agree that Aaron Swarts' story is a tragedy. But simple low-hanging fruit content is not what I want this place to have. And like it or not this community is likely to become the single biggest place to discuss piracy as Reddit inevitably cracks down on it.
laws for thee not for me
but, to be clear, we didn't want Aaron to be prosecuted, so things are better, now.
That assumes he wouldn't have been prosecuted for the same thing today...
Fuck meta and a BIG FUCK OFF to AI and all the companies slurping up ai slop "tech" to implement it in their rubbish software, apps, white goods, appliances.. Fuck. It's just infected every conceivable facet of our lives and no one is objecting it, it's like everyone suddenly forgot about how many engineers spoke out about the dangers!
I love how ai isn't resulting in the collapse of everything, its just an annoyance. The worst thing so far is the excessive scraping and shrimp jesus.
The Schwartz wasn't strong with him.
Suck my Schwartz.
Zuck should be put on suicide watch. He surely feels even worse than Swartz about what he has done.
That implies he has morals and a conscience. The rich have none.