The American president said the Canada-U.S. boundary could disappear when he spoke with the prime minister Monday, according to details Trudeau revealed behind closed doors on Friday.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, in a private meeting inadvertently broadcast via a hot mic, warned that Donald Trump is seriously considering annexing Canada to secure its critical mineral resources.
Speaking to business and labor leaders, Trudeau claimed Trump’s administration is keenly aware of Canada’s resource wealth and sees annexation as a means to control it.
The comments, cut off after staff realized they were audible, underscore growing economic and political tensions.
He also stressed the need to diversify trade, noting, “Geography means we’re always going to both benefit and be challenged by trade with the United States.”
I wish Canada would start an immigration program for Americans who don't want to be a part of this shit.
I voted, I'm politically active, and I don't want to be on this ride. While I don't have a sought-after degree, I want to work for and contribute to my community. I have skills that I would be glad to contribute. I would pounce on the chance to get out of this shit hole.
We're entering late stage Nazi when they start trying to forcibly infect other countries. The timeline is accelerating. America desperately wants to become a viral disease bringing their fucked up way of life to everyone whether they like it or not.
Trump is using Putins playbook. Constantly threaten to annex your neighbors. Neighbors take those threats seriously and start to build up a standing army at the border. Convince populous that the neighbors are threatening the nation and are preparing for an invasion. Yada yada yada. Start a “special military op“ and invade neighbor.
Yo, this won't be an annex. It will be an invasion if he really wants it, same with Greenland. You think Canada will just roll over? Imagine if fucking Mexico decided to take back Texas. (At this point, please do, I could use some new leadership here)
I'm so sorry Canadians, yall just up there doing your thing and these assholes just trying to fuck your shit up.
Lol that would probably look like the Winter War where Finns were vastly outnumbered but still won because they know how to survive the winter. I hope the americans wear body cams when they invade. It will be very satisfying to watch the Rocky Mountains literally kill them man vs nature style.
Also not sure if relevant but Canadian true crime seems to be way more often gory and needlessly violent compared to your typical run of the mill murder stories.
It's sad that all I can do as an Aussie is buy some real maple syrup. It also says a lot about what Canada gives to the world. There's a damn good reason that Americans put the Canadian flag on their backpacks. We say here that New Zealand is to Australia what Canada is to America. They are our better, kinder sibling, the ones who didn't join the war, the ons with more honour and integrity. Go Canada.
The primary reason for the annexation were Canada's natural resources, considered vital to the American military effort in the Sino-American War.
The tipping point came in 2072. As the U.S. escalated its exploitation of Canada's resources, her people took to the streets. Protests and riots erupted in several Canadian cities and an attempt to sabotage the Alaskan pipeline by unknown forces was foiled, but provided the U.S. Government an excuse to officially annex Canada.
When pictures of the atrocities committed in the name of the United States made it over the border, they sparked unrest and protests from the American public. Both sides thoroughly armed, it had little impact on history, as former Canadian land provided much-needed resources for maintaining the war effort, and the country was overrun.[Non-game 5][Non-game 6]
In a statement to the press, Buzz Babcock, commander of U.S. forces in Canada, cited security concerns as the primary reason for the annexation. He also stated that "Little America" was always the property of the United States and the U.S. military announced the official annexation of Canada on June 3, 2072.
Even among the military, the annexation was met with mixed reactions. For some, the act was considered criminal.[5] Open warfare between the opposing armies across the former nation commenced, with the Yukon becoming one of the many fronts alongside Anchorage in the Resource Wars.[6] Despite the outcry, the military initiative forged ahead. Propaganda portrayed the annexation as a "liberation", with comic series such as Tales from the Front and cartoons such as Armor Ace and the Power Patrol championing U.S. occupation forces while vilifying Canadian resistance; for instance, the villainous "rogue robots" of the Yukon Five in the Armor Ace board game Cold Steel were explicitly described as part of the "Yukon Uprising." Vault-Tec in particular sought to bank on the annexation as they began building and advertising available Vaults in "newly-annexed Canada."
Fallout is supposed to be over-the-top dystopian parody, but here we are.
Just... don't show any of this to the administration, hm?
This is just big talk for the cameras. The logistics of such a thing. Are so ridiculous and insane that if it was actually attempted. Canadians would basically become slaves with no rights.. The Country would be torn apart by Resource fiends. They wouldnt even know what to do with 40 million people under a different legal system, so that would imply hundreds of thousands of people would end up just getting murdered or dying of neglect as society collapses
And that would open the door for massive waves of violence. What ISIS, AQ, etc did to America, That would absolutely be on the table.
This goes for any country. But if a country that's supposed to have been our friend and ally for generations decides its time for Imperialism, and wipes out their neighbor like that in some putin hairbrained map drawing fantasy.... Let me just say that Treachery is the lowest circle of hell. And people would have absolutely zero qualms after having everything taken away from them, in such a betrayal, zero qualms about targetting the civilian population of the aggressor.
and abandoning the whole somber story of how life would be over for 30-40 million Canadians, let me say that this act would 101%, without a doubt, Cause a US civil war. This is a Red line. And if there isn't an eruption of mutinies, coups, revolts and violence in the US as it was enacted, Well, in that case, the Nazis already won.
Ya know, even with all the apt comparisons to Hitler and Putin, one thing I didn't have on my bingo card was him actually trying to expand US territory by invading and annexing other countries. I thought that was one big difference.
Everything else I could imagine is now in progress: Disregard/end of the Constitution and rule of law--check. Dismantling of democracy into an authoritarian dictatorship--check. Mass deportations and concentration camps--check. Full-on implementation of Project 2025--check. Blatant corruption, lawlessness and self-enrichment for trump family and oligarchs--check. Implementation of Christian Nationalist policies--check. Dismantling of federal agencies and beneficial aid programs--check (so far DOJ/FBI, USAID, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Dept of Education).
As yet unchecked, but only a matter of time (it's only been 3 weeks!): dismantling of additional agencies and programs: SNAP, medicaid first, then social security, medicare, all the stuff they hate. Use of military against civilians, requirement to carry ID papers with proof of citizenship, sham elections, and more!
Unanticipated by me: Musk given free reign to dismantle whatever parts of the US government he feels like, and now invasion and annexation of other countries and territories!?! In the sights: Panama Canal zone, Greenland, Canada, and Gaza. Could this really happen?
He thinks this is his way into the history books. He thinks like Putin and other dictators that just look at land size and wants bigger (remember when he said Trump tower was now the tallest after 9/11?)
The Canadians and Canadiens should start thinking about their military purchases. Do you rely on a neighbor who is constantly threatening you with a trade war and annexation? Nope. The Orange Fuck-up will end up destroying the US MIC export business and their will be some pissed off wealthy people with deep connections.
This is part of what has made Trump so successful:
He has convinced his base (and a lot of the media) that what he says doesnt matter - lying, outrageous claims, incendiary remarks. He is schrodingers politician and his positions generally are "Whatever person X wants him to be". There is also massive dissonance on Trump "telling it like it is" - despite that NOBODY holds him to his word.
This might go very badly for Canada. I want it to go badly for the US, but let's try to be real here for a second. Doesn't a very, very large proportion of Canada live in like five cities? The USAF could have that paved in an afternoon, more or less by itself.
Edit: somebody pointed out that Canada has nukes. That could definitely change the equation.
Edit 2 edit boogaloo: unclear if Canada has nukes, citation needed. De-striking until I can find some proof.
Trudeau needs to take this shit serious and start looking into bringing EU and Aussie troops/armor/air defence over for long term "training exercises". If you're Canadian and reading this, you need to be preparing. Get out of the city if you can; if not, start preparing a bug out bag, keep your gas tank over half full, and start preparing enough supplies to shelter in place for at least three days for however many people are in your household. Count on losing power, water, gas, and other utilities. If you have a gun, make sure you know how to aim it, use it, clean it, clear any jams, etc. before you need it. If you don't have a gun, give some real thought to it; ask yourself what Vasily Zaitsev would do. I hope it doesn't come to this; I want to apologize that this is happening, though I know it's not worth the pixels it's printed on.
I have hope that it won't happen. Most USians have a very positive view of Canada, and this anti-canadian rhetoric is way, way, way out of left field for a wide majority of us. I can't see any but a very small minority of people thinking this is good. I have a small hope that our military will make the right choice if the time comes.