the thing is that there's an obscure early scifi book by none other than wernher von braun, that is about mars colonization, where they find already existing civilization, leader of which is called elon. apparently this is why megaracist elon's father named him that:
Interest in this novel increased in 2021 when people connected the Martian leader, called the Elon, to SpaceX founder Elon Musk, suggesting that von Braun may have somehow foreseen Musk's space exploration ventures.[15] However, Errol Musk, Elon's father, asserted in 2022 that he was fully aware of the von Braun connection in naming his son.[16]
also in that book: tunnels used for high-speed travel; nation-states became obsolete because of some magic tech; highly technocratic planetary government as a result. that stimulant habit seems historically accurate then, even if it's cut with ketamine sometimes. some more red string on corkboard this tracks as one of his grandparents moved from canada to south africa because canada in 40s wasn't racist enough for them, and with all the technocracy inc things.
so yeah, motherfucker might be believing - or even groomed into - that he's destined to be a planetary overlord, all based on nazi scifi, and he's playing it out irl with all the fuck you money he has
Some time ago in an article or YouTube video i stumbled upon, someone asked Elon a question why he got interested in space. He answered that he read a book which kindled his interest.
I wonder if it was this. It would make so much sense.
Could also be a different book, as the idea of rich guy does tech stuff which looks like Musks tech stuff isnt uncommon pre musk. For example society of the mind written in 1996 by Eric l Harry, also has a Musk like guy (or how people imagine Musk, mega rich self made, super smart, into electric cars, space sats, selfaware AI systems, guy is also called Gray (same last name as the fifty shades righ guy, if you want to become crazy and start red cording. Eric also wrote a book about a pandemic in 2018 if you want to get really crazy). I have not finished the book yet sadly so cant tell if it has even more comparisons.