Is this the family who has a lot of kids and who 'do not believe in the research on corporal punishment' (wonder what that means)? (Rhetorical)
e: lol on them blaming tinder. (Lets make it dumber, the moment that tinder was introduced still falls in within the normal (eyeballed) variance. The moment it breaks is ... gamergate. Gamergate ended the world people).
Yeah very much whoever wins we lose. We should just build a large trebuchet and fire them all into the sun. But sadly the gov does nothing.
Yeah good point on the blockchain tech split vs actual cryptocurrencies. Esp considering the stories some of the exchanges basically did away with the blockchain for internal trades.
According to some roblox wiki also the richest person (in roblox). So wonder if it is libertarian goes monarchist.
Reading this post must be what having a stroke feels like. I would have trouble believing that if this wasn't just how half these kinds of science fiction universes are.
Sorry, misread your tone.
So the far right people are already infighting each other with disinformation. Now they are accusing others of being part of the USAID thing. See this tweet by I,hypocrite (lporiginalg) (Note the guy is a bad guy (an anti-Semite for example), so this is fasc on fasc action).
"So let me get this straight...
Richard Hanania
James Lindsay
Were all funded by USAID? WHO ELSE?
<community note pointing out this isn't true>"
They are coming for you Aella, hope you have an exit strategy (Just saying: Publicly burning bridges, and dropping the chatlogs of others would create a lot of goodwill on the anti-fascist side, and would be a good first step in rebuilding trust with some people (even if for a lot this cannot be regained)).
Perhaps using a lot of lying shitheads to get political clout is a bad idea, as even when you are in power, they will not stop lying (and being shitheads).
The rise of ransomware and cryptocurrencies sadly are linked.
Wait what. I always assumed it was some quirky side char.
Not proof of anything, esp considering the vapid tech vibes the other half of this relationship has. They could just have noticed the word hop around. (Sorry, Musk not being that smart and deep is my hill. I also don't believe he is Dittman (Dittman posts/livestreams too much, actually posts jokes that show he understands the culture (Musk doesn't grok basic meme templates), can play Path of Exile 2, and this account predates the lawsuit in which Musk revealed he cosplays as his son on twitter but horny). So I want a bit more than just one reference to prove he is a massive fan and not just references it for nerd points like a sociopath (He also calls his son Tau, which is Heresy in 40k, and a weird mismatch of references). And well both he and Grimes have roleplayed as communists/socialists. So naming a kid for attention is not something I would consider below them).
E: also Tau is their third child, and I really hope the second child (iirc the public doesn't know her name (yes her being a girl, Musks second daughter, makes this all even weirder)) nicknamed Y is doing well. (Now If I thought Musk was deep and complex, I would worry about the missing 8 children after he names the last one Tau, but you can wonder if he even knows Greek).
Considering his reaction to being asked about evangelion (?? I know nothing about this series) was just to shout NERV (?? again I know nothing I dont know who Nerv is. But this is apparently not a normal fan reaction, like warhammer fans shouting waaarrgh) not far of the mark.
Could also be a different book, as the idea of rich guy does tech stuff which looks like Musks tech stuff isnt uncommon pre musk. For example society of the mind written in 1996 by Eric l Harry, also has a Musk like guy (or how people imagine Musk, mega rich self made, super smart, into electric cars, space sats, selfaware AI systems, guy is also called Gray (same last name as the fifty shades righ guy, if you want to become crazy and start red cording. Eric also wrote a book about a pandemic in 2018 if you want to get really crazy). I have not finished the book yet sadly so cant tell if it has even more comparisons.
One thing you should realize about Musk is that he isnt that smart, and that he also doesnt have much ideas. i think the only real contributions he ever had were the retracting tesla handles that dont work when frozen and the shape of the cybertruck. Even his gamer handle is uninspired. cyb3rgam3r420. And stuff which gets attributed to him, like community notes on twitter, were actually created pre his takeover. The man is a puddle.
I have never seen him post about warhammer, source? Because I disagree with your massive fan thing (he prob doesnt even know the siege of terra used to last a few days, nor the necron retcons), and not sure he ever talked about it, and if he did he might have only talked about it after the fsm/custodes thing was made into a culture war thing.
Wait, the dusting attack problem has not been fixed?
Prob yes, yes unless you reused your account name or they just randomly spray these dusting attacks.
I had a recent conversation with someone who was convinced that machines learn when they regurgitate text, because “that is what humans do”.
But we know the tech behind these models right? They dont change their weights when they produce output right? You could have a discussion if updating the values is learning, but it doesnt even do that right? (Feeding the questions back into the dataset used to train them is a different mechanic)
Good point, had not even thought of that. Shows how badly they are at understanding the people they are against. Reminds me how they went, a while back going after the military for actually reading the 'woke' literature. Only the military was doing it explicitly so they would understand their enemies, so they could stop them.
I was already assuming the pc word list would spread to other subjects.
Minor note, but Musk wears that jacket everywhere, even at a suit and tie dinner with Trump. I don't get how Trump (if my assumptions on him wanting to be seen as a certain type of having class/higher society type) stands him. Looking at the picture, he might be having second thoughts all the time.
Got the interview via Dr. Émile P. Torres on twitter
Somebody else sneered: 'Makings of some fantastic sitcom skits here.
"No, I can't wash the skidmarks out of my knickers, love. I'm too busy getting some incredibly high EV worrying done about the Basilisk. Can't you wash them?"
> > >
Some light sneerclub content in these dark times.
Eliezer complements Musk on the creation of community notes. (A project which predates the takeover of twitter by a couple of years (see the join date: )).
In reaction Musk admits he never read HPMOR and he suggests a watered down Turing test involving HPMOR.
Eliezer invents HPMOR wireheads in reaction to this.