My only nit-pick of this gorgeous creation is the grain orientation of the bottom stretcher being horizontal instead of vertical.
Truly inspiring work! And despite your previous setbacks with this project that smile doesn't look like it's going to leave your face anytime soon lol I will have to give this technique a try sometime.
You know, I've only seen your three posts on this project, starting with the first painful break; and commented once or twice; but somehow - through the magic of Lemmy - I feel as if we built this project together.
Seriously, though... knowing now how much work it was, will you ever make something like it again?
Interesting. I'd have thought the hardest part would be cutting out the spaces without breaking any of the legs. This task I can only imagine gets harder and more anxious the closer to the end you get.
I have no clue the actual quality on this as I know nothing of woodworking. But it's gorgeous!
I can see the inspiration clearly. After just getting home from Universal studios a few days ago. It really feels like it would slot in for what you are aiming for!