Wtf are you talking about? Free Palestine protesters are still actively organizing their communities and providing support where they can. The same groups are literally still staging actions and fighting for the freedom, liberatation, and survival of Palestinian people at home and abroad. Who do you think you're clowning on with this meme? The people fighting against genocide didnt just give up because we have a new worse president.
The people "fighting against genocide" in exactly one place in the world and no others played a not insignificant role in why we have a new worse president in the first place.
Attention is everything, folks. Palestine protestors could be mowed down on Capitol Hill, and if its blotted out by everyone's feeds... Well, it hardly even matters, it terms of policy and public opinion.
Welcome to why Trump is firehosing all these executive orders. Give nobody time to focus on anything, keep everyone fragmented and squabbling over where to focus...
It's still happening, just not getting anywhere close to the level of coverage it was during the election. Because back in October the big US media companies were trying to paint Biden, Harris, Walz, and the entire Democrat party as being much worse than Trump would be for Palestine. I didn't see much coverage of Trump's relationship with Netanhyahu or looking back at what happened in 2017-2020 back the either.
Now that Trump has won there's no point in stoking any unrest. He's instead cracking down on protests and cancelling the visas of foreign students who are caught protesting.
Literally today. Just because you don't give a shit about Palestine and are ignoring their struggle, doesn't suddenly make it stop. The same groups who were protesting the genocide when it was happening under Biden are still out there protesting.
I can't help but feel like the Dems end goal with this kinda bullshit is to try and manufacture this idea that leftist outrage over Gaza is entirely fabricated. We couldn't really care about brown people, we must have made up a bunch of nasty lies to make Kamala Harris look bad! It's really self-telling that they can't imagine genocide would be a bridge too far.
It matters if lay people are aware. I think the post is a useful signal that awareness of the issue is getting drowned out by everything else falling apart.
Pretty much no one thought he'd be better, more like not worse in a meaningful way. Obviously saying the US is going to turn Gaza into a resort is worse than not saying that, but that distinction is pretty unimportant to everyone who would be killed or driven out under a democratic president anyway. The end goal has always been to fully settle Palestine, what exact form that takes or whether the US funds it with a smile or a frown doesn't change that.
Neoliberal good cop/fascist bad cop was always a race to the bottom. This was inevitable so long as we fail to cut the capitalists down to size, and both parties are paid to defend their con game from us by stoking social issue division to stop the peasants from looking up at the oligarchs, our common enemies whether you've been brainwashed into worshipping them or not.
I voted for Harris out of attempted harm reduction as I do like clockwork for the lesser evil, but voting Neoliberal only slowed the sinking, it was never going to make things better, just worse a little slower as the Neoliberals kept meeting their opposition in the new middle every cycle to keep up with the market's demands for new, crueler ways to privately profit off human misery both parties are paid to defend and expand. A vote for continued quiet capitalist slaughter over loud, bragging capitalist slaughter. Not peace. Under Harris, healthcare rackets would still be murdering Americans legally, homeless Americans would still be dying in droves literally as a point to keep the laborers fearful as it would be cheaper to house them then deal with the fallout of them being homeless, etc.
But by all means keep the focus of your ire on the people who had nothing to vote for, only against for the last half century. You're basically attacking the silent cowards in 1930 Germany and not the Nazis.
There are only 2 ways this ends, either the Mario's brother method, or capitalist enforced climate change will collapse the capitalist's con game and human civilization for us if humanity is too chickenshit to depose the economic metastasis, growth or and die capitalist cult and embrace economic equilibrium with environmental homeostasis. The parties are captured. No amount of voting will fix this. Reagan and Kemp saw to that when they captured their opposition. The last vote Americans had on the shape and priorities of our inhuman economy was in 1980, we only get a vote on how to address the social wedge symptoms of it, and only if addressing those symptoms won't meaningfully effect quarterly earnings expectations.
Whether it was Trump in 2020, this, or one of his mutant children in another 4 years, our tolerance and worship of greed was going to lead to this. Maga, Trump's rise as more than a gameshow host con-man, and imperialism are symptoms of our avarice rot induced collapse, not the causes. The cause are the capital markets being allowed to infect our politics and override any societal values we ever had prior to other than metastasize at all human cost.
Fully agree. There are exactly two options for people at this point: fully capitulate and gargle fascist balls (this hastens world death), or kill fascist scum at every opportunity (this may slow world death if done with enough gusto)
Well a bunch of them got expelled, deported, blacklisted, arrested, and more. Many of their organizations were forcibly disbanded, and the campuses where they were active have been thoroughly militarized.
They didn't go anywhere, but the media now doesn't need to paint the current admin as "the bad guys" by highlighting the protest groups, so they are not getting the same amount of screen time.
Now the playbook is to make it look like everyone agrees with the governments stance, so quash the protests, ignore their efforts, arrest the instigators.
I understand that we want local action to urge changes. But honestly, if we stopped giving them weapons, I’m fairly sure another far eviler world superpower would snatch up the chance for a new ally.
Israel had its September 11 moments, and being a more vulnerable nation, turned it into an outlet of rage. More can be done by convincing Israelis this approach harms more than helps them, even creating new terrorists, rather than just washing America’s hands of it while the killing continues.
Yeah I'm sure that's it, you nailed it. It turns out that everyone that disagreed with you last year was actually a secret Russian agent. It's definitely not that primaries and the run up to the presidential election are unique opportunities to push the Democratic candidates father left. Who knew?!
Those same folks where never going to support anything regardless. Biden is too old! Genocide Joe! Trump will fix it! Nothing but bullshit all the way down.
Still here, way less inclined to waste my time. I'm just not going to waste my time on the centrists who insist that the left is small and unpopular so we should only cater to the right of the democratic party. They were wrong, we're fucked because of it, but they want a punching bag to try and alleviate their feelings and I don't care to be that anymore.
They're over here, and they don't want to end up over there. So they probably are staying quiet cause the guy they helped elect wants to send them over there, wherever that ends up being.
Idk if you know this but there is a ceasefire right now. Most of the protests i went to were in response to some escalation or atrocity: new "aid" package being sent, expansion of the war into Rafah, expansion into Lebanon, ground forces going in etc. People tend to protest against escalation events but we are currently in a period of deescalation.
You should expect to see them again in response to trump's latest proposal, it's not going to happen overnight since this came out of nowhere, or when the first phase of the ceasefire expires and people protest to keep it going.
Also wtf is this aneurysm posting "it went from free Palestine to the Rivera of the middle east in 16 days" what does that even mean? And they say the pro-palestine people are bots.