Something big is happening, as Reddit seems to have purged literally every NSFW sub they know. Reason is always "unmoderated" despite some of the banned subreddits being fully moderated.
r/transgender_surgeries wasn't porn. It was a community outlet for results so people could understand what to expect. Queer folk always get swept up with porn, cishet only see us as a "kink" and assume our existence is entirely sexual.
I don't care about NSFW subs per se, but they're useful canaries in the coal mine. If they're gone gone, it's a fine indicator of what's about to come next.
Spez: "Daddy Elon wants me to get rid of all the twitter critical and trans related subs. How can I do it without it being too obvious?"
Snoo Lackey: "Easy. What we'll do is ban a load of morally grey subs like porn and drug related ones along with the twitter critical and trans ones. Then, when the predictable uproar kicks off, we'll wait awhile then announce it was all a terrible mistake and we'll reactivate all the porn ones. We just won't reactivate the twitter critical or trans ones. Because lets be honest - no one really cares and as long as the simpletons have their wank bank back, they'll neither notice nor care either!"
r/drugs has been banned?? That was one of my favorite place on Reddit back in the days :(I haven't found a community for that here :(
(Edit: Drug Reddit was amaziiing, especially r/shrooms r/trees r/dxm | can't really start a community because I'm not regular enough in this area, I guess that's a good thing)
<tinfoil hat>
Other corporate social media has also had "bugs" that delete or hide advertiser unfriendly content, with staff scrambling to go "oopsie!".
That ain't a bug, they're testing something.
</tinfoil hat>
My guess is that they’re expecting some new federal anti-porn legislation and are prepping for that. Porn is already basically outlawed in much of the south, (if not explicitly, then implicitly due to how many hoops porn makers need to jump through), and republicans have made it clear that they want to bring conservative policies at the federal level so liberal states can’t overrule them.
Reddit is run by big business and greedy corporate America. When it went public for the stock price to make even more money then it did before, I left that place.
I always had a feeling this was gonna happen. I don’t think they can put ads on nsfw subreddits so they are effectively a leech on resources. Gotta get those profits.
Terrible choice caving into the pseudo-moralists, but they've been going down a bad path for a long time. They should've looked at the cautionary tale of Tumblr before committing this own goal. Making sweeping changes to fit in with corporate agendas may be popular among their own class, but it also has the longer-term effect of sacrificing the user base. And they've been hemorrhaging for a while anyway. Where do they think their future profits will come from?
Hmm, maybe they reverted? Everything still seems accessible right now
Edit: the ones on the screen seem down but there are definitely still some nsfw subreddits still open. Either the purgening has just begun or those fit some kind of criteria for a ban.
According to a post from our Admin, in the small instance I'm in there has been a sudden influx of new users (about 200) in the last day or so (as new users have to be approved, somebody is getting cramps on their approve finger).
(Guess Anarchism and Piracy could technically count as NSFW in most workplaces, especially the latter)
The only thing I use Reddit for is porn, and my feed isn't empty, so either they're doing this in stages or there's some other criteria they're using beyond just being NSFW.
Reason is always “unmoderated” despite some of the banned subreddits being fully moderated.
Well, that's a lie, because /r/programming still has mods. Pretty sure they did nothing in the last 10 years. I guess it's because the sub wasn't NSFW, I guess.